Plan One- Fail

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Naomi stomped into the dojo while Sensei was thinking whether or not to go up or not. I walked up to Naomi who was rubbing her head in pain.

“You okay?” I asked.

She looked at me. “Does it look like I’m okay? She just whacked me with a wooden sword. I might have a splinter.”

“But Splinter is a rat.” I snickered.

Her blue eyes dug into mine. I flinched a little. “I just can’t believe we’re stuck down here.”

“I have a plan to get out.” I announced.

Looking at me, Naomi had her full attention on me. “Oh, really?”


“What is it?”

“I point at Sensei.” I said, pointing at the ceiling.

Naomi looked up like something was about to happen. Which something did. A water drop landed on my head. I blinked as the droplet went down my face. I wiped it off and Naomi was looking at me weirdly.

“How would that work, again?” Naomi asked. “And what would happen to Sensei? Explode? Melt? Turn into a mutant like us? We’d be grounded for a lifetime.”

“Then we’ll take our chances.” I nodded happily.

Naomi sighed. “Fine.”

We walked up behind Sensei and I was nervous. Could I really point at Sensei? Naomi nudged me and I lurched forward a little.

“What are you two doing?” Sensei asked from her reading.

How can she know we were there?

“Nothing!” Naomi and I both said at the same time.

Turning shell and running, we disappeared back inside the dojo. Plan one really didn’t work out…

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