Chapter 66

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5 years later...

Hazel was walking down the hallway with a stern expression on her face. She was looking murderous yet ruthless. Behind her were walking some guards and maids who were escorting her towards the court room because today she had to give her decision on a very famous and important case.

She reached the courtroom and entered inside with her head raised high just how like Daxon wanted always. Everyone stood up in the court rand bow down in front of her in respect. Her aura was screaming power and authority and her eyes were telling that she will not show any mercy today.

She authoritatively sat on the throne trailing her grey eyes at each every person in the court and stilled at the guards who were standing there with the culprit. Her eyes racked at his body from head to toe making him uncomfortable due to her heated gaze.

"Proceedings should be initiated." she ordered in her cold voice and immediately the guards dragged the culprit with them in front of her.

"Alpha, he is being accused of harassing some women in the pack including his own wife. He is a sadist and have had hurt so many women out there for his own dirty desires." one of the man explained which made her to ball her fists.

The man was looking down at the floor not having enough courage to face her cold eyes. After this, Hazel didn't want to hear any more words in his favor because it was enough to prove him guilty.

"Where are the victim women?" she asked the men about the women who were tormented by the culprit man.

"Alpha, they rejected to come here due to fear and slander." the man answered in disappointed voice earning a curt nod from Hazel.

"I myself will go at their homes and meet them get my horse ready." Hazel ordered the guards and some of them immediately marched away from there.

"Until then keep him behind the bars. After I will hear the victims' statement, he will be hanged at the intersection of the pack." Hazel ordered will anger and determination in her voice and immediately stood up from her throne.

The guards dragged the culprit away from there. She straightly exited the court room and came out of the castle. Her horse was already standing there with some guards. She climbed upon the horse and he immediately started running away at the instructed path.

After travelling for sometime Hazel reached to the houses of the pack members in her territory. In these five years her territory has extended a lot. Her pack is the second strongest pack on the planet and it was just because of her hard work in these past five years.

She got down the horse and went inside that guilty man's house. Sensing her presence her wife came out from a room. Her dull eyes, pale face and bruised body was enough for Hazel to know what had happened to her.

"Alpha Hazel?" the woman exclaimed in shock. Hazel nodded and made her sit beside her at the bed right behind them.

"I'm here to know what your husband has done to you?" Hazel asked her and at the mention of her husband the woman's eyes started to water and her chin wobble. Hazel saw the same fear in her eyes which she used to carry years ago.

"You don't need to be afraid. I'm here to help you and punish that bastard for his deeds." Hazel assured her holding her hands because her only motive is to punish all the culprits in her pack and make it more safe and powerful.

"He is a sinner, Alpha. He used to beat me and rape me in front of his friends and sometimes allowed them too to touch me. They have broke me enough, alpha now I can't live anymore." The woman told her and before she could say anything her gaze fell upon her belly which was swelled up.

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