Enjolras - Y/n Again

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It couldn't be her. He knew it couldn't. But there were too many similarities.

They had the same h/c hair, e/c eyes, s/c skin! Smile! Laugh! Everything!

But it couldn't be her. She died. She went missing and died.

She died. She was gone. The woman he once loved was gone.

They had been everywhere. Laughing in corridors, stealing kisses during balls, dancing through the night, holding hands when fear crept in during the barricades.


The woman who lit the flame for the rebellion was gone. Lost during the night.

Probably dead.

But they'd succeeded. France was free. But the love of his life was gone. He thought.

“Hello?” She waved her gloved hand in front of his face.

“Oh sorry,” he mumbled.

“Are you ok Monsieur?” She inquired.

“Fine, fine, goodbye madame,” and with that their encounter ended and Enjolras hurried away at the speed of light to meet Combeferre and Marius and Courfeyrac alongside the rest of the friends who survived.

She haunted him again. He thought she had finally left him and now it was all undone.

Her smile was behind his eyes, her laugh ringing in his head, her kisses almost tangible once more.

This was foolish! She was gone! Done! Dead.

“Enjolras! Wait up!” A voice cried.

He spun about again, spotting the same girl in the white dress with the blue coat and the pretty bonnet but her face was what mattered the most.

“It is you! I remember!” she cried before launching herself onto him causing him to stumble a few steps back before wrapping his arms around her.

“Is it really you?” he mumbled into her ear.

“Yes,” she mumbled back before leaving the comfort of his jacket.

“Where have you been?” he asked, in awe again of the lady life presented to him again.

“You’ll laugh,” she scoffed.

“No, tell me!” he cried holding her hands.

“I lost my memory,” she let out her low laugh. “I was hit over the head, they said I was found on the doorstep of Madame Rougier’s house and she was kind enough to take me in and that’s all I knew of my past until now! Until you came back!”

“You’ve come back y/n, oh y/n!” he felt the tears prick at his eyes.

“Y/n. Y/n. Haven’t heard that in years!” she laughed. “Y/n Y/l/n!”

“Oh y/n,” Enjolras felt the first tear roll.

“I wasn’t y/n for a long while,” she giggled. “I was Priscilla Rougier.”

“But you’re y/n, y/n again,” Enjolras grasped her close again.

“Y/n again,”

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