Jehan- Happily Ever After

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This was a request from mrslyngstad who thought the plot up -I might have tweaked it in a few places, sorry! Thank you for requesting!
I'm warning you now, this is quite out of character but anyways!

Y/n hummed as she stood in the corner of the room running her fingers through her h/c locks as her precious mama told her of all the boys she could marry.

“He’s very respectable y/n!” she told her but received no response but her repeated hum. “I’ll go get him and you can talk with him.”

And with that she hustled off to go find the gentleman in the question’s mother leaving Y/n to let out a little snort.

Jehan Prouvaire stood beside his “bourgeois” school chums as they advised him.

Advice comes in all shapes and sizes and in this case it came as everyone rambled to him at once.

“Just go talk to her! It’s not that hard, Jehan!" Combeferre told him plainly.

"Go introduce yourself and then ask her if she wants to dance!” Combeferre grinned.

“But of course one must flirt a little, but never over do it!” Courf told him before beginning to push his friend towards the girl in the question.

“I say we just let it all blow over and go back to talking about France’s freedom,” Enjolras grumbled.

“I say we don’t listen to Enjolras and you point her out to us and we see if she’s seen my beloved Cosette!” Marius cried with a little sigh.

“I don't even know what I’ll do!” the poet cried in despair looking down at his shoes with a blushing face as he thought of the girl.

“Well I say you just go for it,” Courfeyrac grinned as he wheeled his friend over to the girl.

“What are you doing, Courf!” Jehan cried as he tapped on the girl’s shoulder.

“Good evening mademoiselle,” he grinned at her.

“Good evening,” she smiled back a little jittery.

“My name’s Courfeyrac and this is my friend Jean Prouvaire, more commonly known as Jehan,” he told her after kissing her hand.

Jehan shyly smiled and nodded his head completely unaware that the girl was in some trance smiling blindly at him in awe of him even though she’d not even introduced herself yet.

“Your name mademoiselle?” Courf politely asked.

“Oh! Y/n, y/n y/l/n!” she smiled before blushing as she caught  the poet’s eye.

“That’s a pretty name,” Jehan giggled. “It’s poetic.”

“Are you a poet, monsieur?” she asked with her eyes wide.

“Yes, I am,” he blushed and Courf decided to shy away and return back into the group of friends who were all standing watching quite eagerly on the other side of the dance floor with even Enjolras looking slightly intrigued.

“My work here is finished,” Courf bowed before taking a glass of champagne off the passing waiter.

“Are you sure, Jehan looks like he could have a heart attack any second now,” Enjolras snarkily replied.

“He won’t, they’re both intoxicated with each other,” Courf smiled knowingly.

“Sure?” Enjolras half asked.

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