Feuilly- SNAP!

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"You are?" Y/n asked as she placed her hand in Feuilly's as they walked down the streets together.

Her fifteen year old paw was quite soft which was curious seeing as the girl worked hard night and day at the seamstress's down on St Micheal's street earning herself about three or so francs a day which her father then spent on drink.

Feuilly in comparison also earned three francs a day which he tried to save up to spend on something of usage. Y/n often attempted to sneak the sixteen year old boy out bread from their kitchen but if her father caught her she knew it would be big trouble she was swimming in. Feuilly often refused to accept the bread saying he didn't need it, being quite stubborn, however at eight Y/n figured out that the only way he was going to take it was if it was presented to him as a birthday or "late birthday" present, taking slight advantage of the fact he never knew his birthday.

Y/n and Feuilly had been friends since they were roughly three or four and it was safe to say if anything happened to y/n Feuilly would have murdered the person behind it.

"Yes, I am. It's interesting," Feuilly responded as he opened the door to the dressmakers for y/n to step inside.

"I'll see you later," she told him, closing the door.


That's how every single day started off for them, quiet and peaceful, neither of them grew tired of it or wished for a change, it was just the way it was.

On y/n's eighteenth birthday it changed though.

On that day Y/n walked out of the house to discover no Feuilly.

Expecting that he was simply a little late she waited for ten minutes. When after that he didn't arrive she began to move on.

What in heaven's name had happened to him?

That was all she could think of through the day, it haunted her mind, drove her into what felt like insanity, caused her to sew a dress together back to front and teased her.

At seven o'clock she walked out of the shop with her head lowered and mouth twisted.

"And why exactly does Mlle Y/l/n look so glum?" a voice asked her from behind her, making her spin around in delight.

"Feuilly!" she cried, throwing herself into his arms and letting him spin her around.

"Not so glum anymore," he smiled as she buried herself into his chest.

"Never miserable when I'm with you," she blushed.

"Is that so indeed?" he grinned.


"Well you'll not be miserable for a few more hours then," he told her.

"What?" she looked at him with curious eyes.

"Come with me," he almost demanded.

"Right then monsieur."

He led her through the streets until they left Paris.

"Where are we going, Feuilly?" she begged him to tell her.

"You are not going to get an answer y/n so stop asking!" he told her as he hoisted her over the fence they had come to.

For five minutes they continued to walk in silence until Feuilly stopped at a prominently large tree and began to climb it leaving y/n at the bottom staring up at him with one eyebrow raised and an amused smirk upon her face.

"Well are you coming?" he asked her as she stood at the bottom.


And so she began to clamber up the tree too.

"Nice to see you made it up," Feuilly teased her.

"Nice to see you didn't fall down the tree whilst smirking and staring at me," she said as she shuffled across the sturdy branch until she was beside him.

"Oh shush!" he rolled his eyes and she smirked at the blush he had come across.

They proceeded to sit in silence for a few minutes until, shyly may I emphasise, Feuilly turned his head to y/n's face and slowly put his hands on her face as he watched her eyes carefully full of wonder and woe.

Then slowly she made the next move.

She softly placed her lips directly upon his and waited.

What was she meant to do now?

Good lord she did not think that through.

But soon she found him kissing her back.


When they broke it she had her eyes wide with electrifying and exhilarating emotions brimming out of her e/c irises.

"I love you," she broke the silence and almost automatically regretted it.

"I love you too," he replied as he began to move in to kiss her again.

And as she moved her arms around his neck, the branch which was not exactly informed it would be holding any form of weight that evening let out a crisp "SNAP!" and both Y/n and Feuilly went flying through the air which left them, both perfectly okay, with y/n on top of him kissing him. It felt magical.

Bit weird but yeah.
Currently attending a summer drama camp which I am enjoying very much. We are doing "Take Me or Leave Me" from "Rent" tomorrow and I cannot wait!


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