Joly - A Cold Never Bothered Y/N Anyway!

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Right. I'm giving you a warning in advance this one is actually horrible.

“What's wrong?” She queried.

“Sick,” he coughed under the bed sheets.

“On Christmas day? How terrible!” She shook her head before quickly taking one end of the bed clothes and dragging it off him.

“Y/n!” He cried as she took his hand and dragged him too out of the warm bed.

“Joly!” She laughed lightly as the boy stood up with his arms full of tissues.

“See! I'm sick!” He cried acknowledging the tissues.

“So you're saying if I hold the tissues, I'm sick too?”

“YES” Joly cried fumbling backwards as the girl reached for the tissues. “YOU WANT TO BE SICK?!”

“No. But I'm proving it to you, it's all in your head,” she grinned.

“No it's not! I have a cold!” He told her.

“You're getting up and coming to the café, cope!” She put the tissues into her arms despite Joly's comments and then dumped them in the bin before waddling off to wait outside.

And she stood there for a good hour before she realised he was probably back in his bed again like the sloth he was.

He was doing this purely so he didn't have to sit in the café for the party and risk actually catching a cold and she knew it.

So she thought, if he's not coming, why can't the party come to him?

Running down the stairs she grabbed her navy coat and completely forgot the hat before skipping to the café and dragging all of them from Éponine to Enjolras out the door to Joly’s house.

Joly’s reception to his friends being brought to his house when he did not want to catch anything was priceless.

Well for y/n at least.

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