Courfeyrac- Happy Birthday AJ!!!

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Hello everybody! Long time no see again. Whoops. School is really taking its toll on me and tracking is from the 9th! It's September and we're already talking about tests?!?

Anyhow, it's the one and only WifeofCourfeyrac's birthday and as I'm not physically gonna see her or be able to give this to her I thought I'd do this (yes my two braincells did rub against each other and come up with a bit of a weird, wacky and wonderful idea).

To WifeofCourfeyrac/AJ

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday WifeofCourfeyrac! Happy birthday tooooo youuuuuuuuu!!!!
Happy birthday! Sorry if the plot is a bit all over the show but anyways!
Have the best day ever!
Lots of hugs being sent across the little bit of water in between us (and probably some land, I think so, I'm not sure, they can go around Wales or Scotland if it just wants to be true to the statement but it'll take way way longer)!

Courfeyrac stood beside the windowsill watching, waiting for her return anxiously.

“Ready for it?” Combeferre’s calm voice asked.

“No? Yes? Maybe?” Courf mumbled as he fiddled with the box’s lid anxiously.

“You’ll be fine you know,” ‘Ferre told him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “She’s hopelessly devoted to you.”

“I know, I know,” Courf ran his hand through his curls disturbing their natural state.

“Oh now we’re confident!” Comb joked before he wandered over to the cake and tried to keep Gavroche away from it, leaving Courfeyrac to compose himself.

“Not really,” Courfeyrac muttered.

The air was quite cool that month and a breeze occasionally fluttered through the café via the window that Courf paced beside. The sun didn’t exactly shine but it was bright that evening with a few stars beginning to shine strangely.

“She’s comin’ now!” Gavroche cried from beside the window where he’s taken refuge when Comb evicted him from his seat beside the cake.

“WHAT?” Courf cried before he dangerously dangled out the window with Gavroche trying to follow suit but R catching hold of the bottom of his jacket and reeling him back in before taking his position and watching his half sister wander in looking awfully oblivious to how her life was about to change completely that night.

Gavroche pouted before haughtily stalking towards the door which AJ wandered through a moment later with her green eyes sparkling happily like emeralds, her tanned skin softly glowing, her dark locks tangled into a bun and wearing a ravishing red dress with black fingerless gloves encaging her hands.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY AJ!” echoed around the room almost in perfect sync. But then Enjolras was too preoccupied with scribbling a point down that he didn’t realise that it was happening and came in halfway through it finishing it quite unenthusiastically after and almost going as red as his waistcoat.

AJ let a laugh lose before being tackled by Gavroche into a hug.

“Happy birthday AJ!” he cried before releasing her and fumbling about in his pockets in search of something unknown before he fished out a deformed looking bun. “I got you this.”

Gavroche looked rather proud of himself when he handed her the bun with his chest puffed out and a grin plastered on his face.

“Why, thank you little sir!” she smiled for the millionth time that day before pressing a motherly kiss on his cheek.

Combeferre stood up next as he was to represent all of the friends of the ABC with their present.

“Happy birthday AJ, from all of us,” he smiled before handing her the bouquet Jehan had arranged containing all of her favourite flowers with a pretty green bow tied about it in a nice big loopy bow.

“Oh! You really didn’t need to get me anything!” she blushed as she accepted the flowers happily before inhaling their sweet scent smiling. “Thank you all though.”

And with that Comb stepped away and Gavroche sprinted up to her stopping just in time at her heels before politely asking her to bend over.

“Why?” she mumbled as she felt elastic settle around her chin and strain on it a little as if the item was marginally too small. When she stood up straight again she placed her hands on her head to discover a point before looking down at Gav discovering he was wearing a pointed party hat too.

“Now we match!” he chirped triumphantly before taking her hand and leading her towards the towering cake composed of her favourite flavour. “Cosette made it. She’s very talented, don’t you agree?”

“She is,” AJ grinned at Gav before she turned to ‘Sette over in the corner holding Marius’ hand and mouthed a silent thanks to her to which Cosette responded with one of her warm smiles that settled like a butterfly upon her lips for a moment and then took off and soared away to daydream in further off places.

“Can someone cut it?” Gav pleaded before sitting down on the chair beside the cake and cracking his knuckles, a habit Joly scorned him for and repeatedly told him off about, he held out a plate to Cosette who had lifted the knife beside the cake and sunk it deep into its moist flesh.

Gav reached his plate out eagerly to Cosette, who looked a little sad that there were no candles and that the birthday girl wasn’t getting the first slice but she sweetly smiled as she set the cake down on the plate before cutting AJ a marginally bigger slice.

“Happy birthday AJ,” Cosette smiled as she gave her the cake.

And that’s the way AJ’s birthday went for the next few hours until Courf approached her asking if he could go for a walk outside.

They were quiet as he led her about the dark, night time, subtle streets of Paris with her arm laced in through his and her head resting on his shoulder.

Eventually they reached the field Jehan had recommended.

Courf led her into it and they sat down on the soft grass with the wind blowing AJ’s brown locks about softly and the stars illuminating them.

“Y’Know, the stars must find it awfully interesting,” AJ hummed, breaking the comfortable silence.

“What do you mean?” Courf asked as he observed the smiling stars that shone like millions of diamonds studded into dark velvet.

“They must see everything. Just observing it. They’d know a right few stories,” AJ mused.

“AJ, I’ve been meaning to ask you this since the moment I glanced at you across the street but it didn’t seem proper exactly,” he told her before standing up and then getting down onto one knee opening the box’s clasp and revealing the ring that shone brighter than the stars. “Will you marry me?”

“Yes,” AJ squealed before helping Courf up before pulling him into a vicious kiss imagining how the stars would tell their story in years to come.

It was an hour later when they returned to the café to find it a complete and utter shambles as usual.

Almost all of the boys were drunk and chorusing happy birthday in repeat, Jehan just giggled, R was conducting the caterwauling, Enjy looked like he was ready to resign, Cosette and Marius had departed, Comb was reading with one eye on the rest of the group and Gavroche was finishing the cake off.

I shan’t bore you with the details but let me tell you they all went wild to say the least when they saw AJ’s ring and R made the biggest fuss ever to be known in the whole of humanity.

Happy birthday AJ!!!!!

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