Combeferre - Baby

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Y/n’s belly was swollen under her pretty blue nightgown with little flower patterns on it.

She was due any day now and she couldn’t wait until she held the little baby in her arms under the covers with her husband’s arm around her.

She liked measuring it every day in the mirror. That’s the stage of the day she was at now. 8:30am. Combeferre Is still asleep. The baby might be kicking, it just depends. And she was happy.

She loved it.

It was a part of her now. When the baby was born and she held it in her arms she knew that it would be yes, magical and all but still a part of her would miss the mornings before she got up to the screaming of a child wailing for food.

Yes, it would be different.

Christmas was exciting, wasn’t it? And then with a baby on the way too it was strange.

She’d spent hours knitting a wee stocking for the baby in hopes that it would be born before the 25th so it could be there for Christmas but there they were, 8:30, December 25th 1831 and no baby.


The blankets were rustling now. He was up, or in the process of getting up.

“Merry Christmas,” y/n grinned, turning around to spot a groggy, sleepy looking Combeferre smiling at her.

“Merry Christmas to you too,” he grumbled half awake before he pressed a kiss to her cheek and then just stood with his head on her shoulder for a while.

After a minute or two he budged and y/n found herself being handed a small box which she then found contained a pretty necklace.

The day then progressed on leading to a quiet moment with all of the friends, Éponine, Azelma, Gavroche and y/n gathered in the café all speaking when all of a sudden a splash of water came from under y/n’s dress and pooled surrounding her feet before her eyes went wide and she gasped.

“What is it y/n?” Éponine asked before y/n raised her skirts revealing the large looming puddle around her feet and Éponine too gasped before beckoning Azelma over who too gasped and then began to shuffle all of the boys out of the room including the two doctors among them one of which being y/n’s husband.

And so outside the room for hours on end Combeferre practically sped up and down the carpet and inside the room y/n sat with agonising sounds leaving her mouth and a pain building around her stomach only to be comforted by Éponine, Azelma and Mme Hucheloup.

It went on and on and on until y/n thought she could pass out soon, she wasn’t sure what was really happening bar the fact that Mme Hucheloup was demanding that she was to push with all her might.

And that’s how the next hour or so went before a silence descended and a shrill shriek came from a fifth person in the room.

Combeferre’s blood rushed to his face which was originally pale and was now a happy red but still terrified colour and he swung open the door before letting out a sigh of relief.

“Oh my God.”

“What?” Feuilly hummed.

“Look!” Bahorel advised.

“I can’t see past you!” Joly complained.

“Move then!” Bahorel retorted.

“Sweet Jesus.” Enjolras muttered.

“Awww!” Jehan smiled.

“Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the wee grey donkey.” Courf looked confused.

“You have my full permission to throw the angel Gabriel in there too Courf.” Marius told him.

“What is going on?” Bossuet asked.

“Can’t you see?” Éponine retorted from the bed with Azelma who stood by y/n with her arm protectively around her older sister who cradled a baby in her arms.

“You have a little boy ‘Ferre,” Éponine grinned and y/n gave her husband a small smile as he rushed over to her and kissed her forehead as Feuilly assessed the damage done to the carpet from all of Combeferre’s pacing.

“I’m so proud of yo-” he began before y/n cut in.

“If you think I’m ever going through that again you can rethink it!” she cried.

Well that’s what she said. Not essentially what went down in the family tree.

There ended up being three more young Combeferre offspring despite y/n’s little complaints of concern for her body.

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