Enjolras - I'll Come Back, I Promise

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"Come on y/n!” he cried from the other end of the garden, pushing his blonde curls out of his hair.

“I’m coming!” she giggled, her nine year old legs desperately trying to keep up with the eleven year old.

Y/n had just arrived at the Enjolras’ residence, the families had been friends for forever and with the two families only children being only two years apart had always been close.

Enjolras was leaving for boarding school later that day. Y/n had been informed but she hadn’t really processed the idea yet.

“Hurry up! Revolutionaries don’t have forever to be places!” Enjolras called at the girl. This was their favourite game. Plotting in the garden. A year ago they’d assembled a barricade out of the Enjolras’ back garden furniture, but this didn’t go down well when they tried to explain it at all.

Y/n eventually with little huffing and puffing caught up with Enjolras who stood in the rose garden before shaking hands with y/n and the two sat down and he pulled out a map of France he had found somewhere and began to talk.

Things continued like this for some time before y/n brought up the dreaded topic.

“You’re going away aren’t you?”

“Yes,” Enjolras hung his head, his blonde locks falling into his eyes.

“You’ll come back for me though, won’t you? When you’re all grown up and I am too?” she asked him, curiosity and tears brimming.

“Of course I will. I’ll come back, I promise,” he smiled before reaching in and lightly pecking the girl’s cheek and she, amazed and bewildered, sat there for some time before leaning in and returning his kiss, kissing his rosy cheek before taking his hand and skipping back to the house.

She never saw him again. Over time she learnt to live without him but there was always a part of her that wished for the golden haired, rosy cheeked boy to float back into her life.

“Y/n, admit it, you’ve no clue where we are,” Jane said, her parasol in the air, occasionally bumping off y/n’s.

“We’re in St Michael’s. I just have never been here, but isn’t it fascinating,” y/n told her, her e/c eyes scampering around the place noticing things.

“This is not the right end of Paris, is it?” Jane mumbled.

“There is no right end of Paris Jane, we’re just in an unexplored destination,” Y/n smiled before Jane walked right into a boy with messy dirty blonde hair, glasses perched on his nose and a pile of leaflets in his hands that fluttered everywhere.

“I’m so sorry!” Jane cried, half throwing, half forcing her parasol into y/n’s hands and bending down, scooping papers off the ground.

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking where he was going, I’m so stupid some days,” the boy shook his head as Y/n collapsed both the parasols and caught a pamphlet that was blowing in the cool summer’s breeze.

“Les Amis de L’ABC,” she muttered.

“The friends of the people, we meet at the Café Musain,” the boy blurted out. “Would you like to come, I could buy you both a drink to compensate for this mess of a meeting?”

“We really should be on our way-” Y/n began before Jane cut in, a pink blush across her cheeks.

“We’d love to.”

The gentleman was named Combeferre and Jane introduced both herself and the uninterested Y/n to him and y/n was almost certain that Jane was smitten with this Combeferre almost as much as he seemed to be interested in her.

The Café Musain turned out to be a busy place, filled with all sorts of people but Combeferre dragged the two of them up to the upstairs room which seemed like further chaos and y/n really started questioning ever going to St Michael’s at all.

The room was filled with men, just men. There were about eight of them all entertaining themselves in various crazy ways and Y/n’s eyes skitted over the room until she noticed someone. Someone who she forgot. Someone who was staring right back at her.

“Enjolras?” she mumbled, her face twisting up to look confused, blinking a few times just to double check she wasn’t imagining him.

“Y/n? What are you doing here?” It definitely was him but God, how he’d changed from the eleven year old boy he once was. He was bound to be what? Maybe twenty three at this point. His face was the same even with the small signs of stubble, his hair was the same golden colour, his cheeks ever rosy and his lips still blood red.

“Your friend M. Combeferre took us here,” Y/n told him before retorting his question. “What are you doing here?”

“Seeing my friends?”

“You promised you’d come back,” y/n’s voice cracked and she felt the tears threaten.

“I did,” Enjolras muttered.

“You never came,” she let the first tear drip drop down onto her cheek.

“I'm sorry y/n,” he said. “I'm so sorry sorry.”

“I loved you. Hell! Don't I still? I was nine and in love with a boy!” She cried completely forgetting that the rest of the room was hearing this too.

“I never stopped loving you Y/n,” he mumbled in response.

“Why didn't you come back? You never wrote! You never said anything!” She was letting the equivalent of the Seine roll down her face.

“I couldn't. You know rightly I couldn't!”

“I didn't. I never did!”

Jane looked concerned now and was near tears herself.

Then something unexpected happened. The marble man rushed over to the weeping woman in the red dress and tilted her face to his and pressed his lips to hers, his hands firmly planted on her cheeks.

The whole of the café went very quiet before mumbles of shock echoed around, confusion was thick in the air and y/n was possibly the most confused.

They caught up quickly after that. Everything ended happily.

Enjolras and Y/n got married the next year at the same time as Combeferre and Jane in the Enjolras’ back garden in the midst of the rose bushes.

Jane and Combeferre had two little girls and Enjolras and y/n had one girl and three boys who all grew up friends just the way that Enjolras and y/n did and eventually two of the boys married the Combeferre girls and everyone lived happily ever after.

First update in months!! You may thank mrslyngstad who asked me if I was still alive and I probably wouldn't have pushed myself to write this if I hadn't have received her message, thank you!
I know it's not the best piece ever and it was not originally meant to have a happy ending but anyhowwww!
Things have been pretty crazy over the last few months and I apologise for not updating the book as quickly as I should've.
Heads up again there might be a period in April where I may seem dead but it's ok it's just another tracking and then I don't have to do another one until May or June I think (year 10 is CRAZYYYYY!).
Apologies again!

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