Courfeyrac- "Has he talked to the lady?"

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The boys flocked around the sides of the party in their fancy gear and to no surprise Enjolras had his usual cravat that was indeed untied dangling around his neck like a loose lead on a dog.

Marius’s eyes were dilated and he kept sighing softly to himself on occasion causing Joly to peer at him wondering what was wrong with him.

As the evening continued to draw on Marius kept on whining to himself.

“Right Marius, what is wrong?” Enjolras burst the boy out of his little bubble and retreating away from the whole conversation of France.

Marius just let out a sigh.

“Can’t you see? Oh dear Enj! So naive in the world of love!” Courf batted his eyelashes at the marble man, earning himself a gentle punch on the shoulder.

“Who is the girl Marius?” Jehan asked softly, smiling at the dazed man.

“Don’t you remember Jehan?” Courfeyrac looked at the boy with confusion. “Where were you all last month?”

“Well I was at the-” Jehan began before being cut off by Combeferre who smiled at the child of the group and placed a hand on his shoulder.

“It was a rhetorical question Jehan,” ‘Ferre told him.

“Oh!” Jehan giggled slightly.

“Oh my world without her!” Courf declared coming up behind Marius and placing both his hands on the man’s shoulders and then dramatically placing one on his forehead and tilting his head back.

Barohel let out a snort at the boy’s teasing.

“She was just like a ghost to me!” Courfeyrac continued before rushing over to Grantaire (who had a glass of wine in each hand) and putting both hands on his own heart and fluttering his eyes open and closed looking like a young girl who was in love.

“But she was!” Marius protested.

“I am agog! I am aghast! Is Marius in love at last?” Grantaire swooned a little causing one of the glasses to tip all the wine out of it. “I’ve never seen him ooh and ahh!”

Courfeyrac then proceeded to skip over to Enjolras who looked more than displeased at where this conversation had led.

“Had you seen her today you might know how it feels to be struck to the bone in a moment of breathless delight! Had you been there today you might also have known how your world may be changed in just one burst of light! And what was right seems wrong and what was wrong seems right!” Courfeyrac kept a distant expression on his face that caused Jehan to giggle.

“Red!” Grantaire chortled.

“I feel my soul on fire!” Courfeyrac pretended to go weak at the knees.

“BLACK!” all the boys chipped in apart from Enjolras who had a scowl on his face.

“My world if she’s not there!”


“The colour of desire!” Courfeyrac tilted his body to the side slightly and placed his hand on his heart again.


“The colour of despair!” he looked sad, Courfeyrac should have been an actor.

“You all have met her! She is divine!” Marius protested.

“Oh look!” Courfeyrac cried as he stood up on a chair and clasped his hands together. “I’m Marius Pontmercy! I’ve just met a girl called Collette! Or was it Closet? Or Rosette? No, I remember now, Cosette! And she’s divine and I’m fully in love with her!”

Marius shook his head.

“You all can’t tease me about my beloved Cosette! I mean Joly! Bossuet! What about Musichetta?”

“Don’t bring ‘Chetta into this!” Joly said before snaking his arms around the girl’s waist.

“But really Marius you had just seen her and declared you were in love!” Bossuet quarrelled. “I spoke to her before I decided upon that!”

“A heart full of loveeeee!” Courfeyrac sang, jumping off the chair landing on both feet like a cat.

“Oh go find someone to dance with or flirt with Courfeyrac! I won’t stand you teasing my girl!” Marius said before spotting Cosette and rushing towards her, showering her in compliments. If literally he were to shower her in them, Cosette would need to run in fear of torrential rain.

And so the night continued and a late comer came.

By the time of the late comer, Enjolras was ranting about France again and Courf was bored.

“The lady y/n y/l/n and her mother y/m/n y/l/n!” the man at the door informed the room.

Courfeyrac’s eyes swept to the girl and he nearly choked on air.

She was beautiful.

She had h/c hair that was left down giving her a child like innocence, her e/c eyes sparkled and glittered like jewels, her skin was s/c without many blemishes, she was dressed in a f/c dress and around her slender neck was a string of pearls.

She smiled and talked to her mother before she spotted a friend of hers and asked her mother if she could leave her then ran off giggling to see her.

“Isn’t she just beautiful? I mean look at her! She’s so sweet! I do believe she’s the prettiest girl I’ve ever met.” Courfeyrac sighed, sitting down on the chair before he spoke in a lower voice, “I might be in love!”

“Wait! Wait! Wait!” Combeferre laughed. “You’re talking about Mlle Y/l/n?”

“I am,” Courf smiled absently to himself.

“You’ve never even talked to her!” Enjolras cried.

“I know!” Courfeyrac mused, his thoughts lingering about the girl.

“So you have done just what you teased and tormented Marius about?” Feuilly said laughing to himself.

“Oh Lord,” Courfeyrac groaned before placing his head in his hands.

“I do believe I am in love!” Grantaire laughed as he wobbled over to Courfeyrac. “She’s the prettiest girl I’ve ever met!”

Courfeyrac’s eyes remained focused on the girl who was now talking to her friend in full swing merely metres away from Courf and all the boys.

“She’s so sweet!” Jehan placed his chin on Courf’s prized brown curls. “Isn’t she just beautiful?”

“No!” Courfeyrac placed his head on his lap and shook his head but before doing this gave no warning to Jehan who nearly went flying.

“I mean look at her!” Joly teased the boy.

And Courfeyrac did. And he found her e/c eyes dazed and staring across at him while her friend laughed and smirked slightly.

“What’s happening?”

And Combeferre turned around to see Marius Pontmercy and Cosette Fauchevalaunt smiling.

“Courf’s in love!” he informed him.

“Has he talked to the lady?”


And so Marius let out a loud long laugh, causing everyone to look at him apart from Courfeyrac and the girl who were lost in their own little world.

First request of the book! Whoop whoop!
Requested by WifeofCourfeyrac! Thank you the idea was amazing, I can only hope I did it justice!

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