Courfeyrac-Mission Impossible Style Break In (Part 4)

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AJ stood in her holy communion dress from years ago with her nightgown on under it as a last minute makeshift wedding dress. The holy communion dress had been way too big for her at the time and had had the hems taken up but with Lexis’s help they had been removed and the dress just reached below her knees leaving the night gown to cover her legs which it did. It was a weird look but it was rushed and honestly no one questioned. Her dark brown hair had been put in ringlets using a heated poker by Cosette who was very anxious about doing it and her eyes giggled with excitement and merriment.

The house was empty and anything they did echoed as they giggled and smiled. AJ’s parents were out and only her and her sister, s/n, were at home together. That was before the agreed commitment was to take place.

Roughly a month after the proposal AJ and Courf came to the pert decision that they could wait no longer and so agreed that one day when AJ was alone at home they would all come over and get married by Cosette’s father.

R was to walk her down the aisle which was really the hall up until the window where Courf and the congregation would stand. To her disgust she spotted s/n in a white dress just to spite her. She felt like strangling her.

“You ready mademoiselle?” he asked her as she slipped her arm through his with a ready for anything grin on her face.

“Now or never,” she nodded before taking a deep breath and beginning to walk.

It would have been a graceful entrance if R hadn’t done what R does best, drown five bottles before walking a girl down an aisle.

So when AJ believed she was walking in a straight line she really was doing anything but, R bumped into the wall roughly ten times in a stretch of seven metres and a little bit.

Upon eventually reaching the “altar” where M. Fauchevalaunt stood with her beloved Courfeyrac.

“You look ravishing,” Courf told her.

“Interesting choice of adjectives, thank you,” AJ smiled before taking his hand in hers.

And so the wedding commenced and a pretty silver ring was slipped onto AJ’s finger before she slid a matching one onto his with a smile before Fauchevalaunt told Courf he could kiss the bride.

AJ kissed him so full of passion and care that nothing could rival it, not even Enjolras’ love for France or Jehan’s love for poetry or Combeferre’s dedication to moths or Feuilly’s for equality and family or Grantaire’s love for alcohol or Joly’s passion for his immune system.

When they withdrew AJ had a flushed smile etched on her lips before she slammed her mouth on his again leaving the boy with shocked open eyes and no clue what to do with his arms whilst she cupped his face.

Lexis stood beside Cosette and to put it plainly fan-girled over them.

“Oh they are perfect!” she giggled before locking eyes with Bahorel and smiling her perfect grin.

“ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT I CAN NO LONGER LEAVE YOU ALONE ALEXIA?” The unmistakable voice of Philippe Swiffen echoed around the hall before AJ stopped kissing Courf to see her father with at least half the national guard before Courf tucked AJ behind him protectively. “YOU’VE WENT AND MARRIED THE BOY, HAVEN’T YOU?”

“Don’t say anything like that to my bride. Yes, I married her!” Courf told him as AJ took his hand.

“YOU ARE A DISGRACE!” he addressed AJ who looked down at the dress biting her lip.

“DON’T YOU EVER INSULT MY GIRL!” Courf shouted, finally losing his temper.

“SHE’S NOT YOURS!” He told Courf.

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