Courfeyrac- Mission Impossible Style Break In (Part 2)

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And with the announcement Courf nodded his head and remained on the table a grin etched on his face.

“That’s so romantic!” Jehan smiled as he jotted the last few words of Courf’s indulgent speech down.

“It was not!” Marius groaned as he rubbed his shoulders.

“It was!” Jehan smiled before tucking the page away in his pocket.

“And that’s not me done!” Courf told them with a grin plastered on his face. “I need you all to help me sneak her out tonight!”

Enjolras was the hardest to sway alongside Marius but eventually came round to the idea, Enjolras believing that maybe she would support their cause and Marius for no other reason that she might be able to talk to him about Napoleon or Cosette, both at equal levels of admiration in his mind.

That evening at nine o’clock the friends all met, alongside Éponine (who Marius had brought to talk to) and Montparnasse (who had been brought in case anyone needed to be murdered which Jehan replied to with “could we not just leave them alone?” oblivious to the fact that they would not leave the friends alone), in the Musain where Courf pulled out of his pocket eleven weird, knobbly looking knitted balaclavas. Yes, knitted balaclavas.

“Where did you even get hold of them?” Marius muttered, his head falling down into his hands in utter worry and concern.

“Cosette!” Courf declared with a grin as he handed Enjolras a red one.

“My girlfriend? Again?” Marius face palmed himself.

“She’s really very kind,” Courf nodded before handing Marius the pink one.

“Pink? Again?” Marius whined as he looked at the knitted contraption.

“Yes! She was kind enough to even put your initials on the back and all too!” Courf laughed before turning the mask around so that Marius could view the bright blue “M.P”.

“Oh Cosette!” he cried.

Éponine let out a little snort.

"Ok, this is the plan…" began Courf.

It was a cool night with a nice breeze which caused AJ’s hair to billow as she sat on the balcony in her pretty green dress with a book in her hands waiting in hope that her love would appear.

Meanwhile her love was arguing with his best friend of a sort.

“We’ll go see her later! You don’t have to deal with her father shooting you if he finds out!” Courf threw his hands up in the air as he scaled the ivy covered wall.

“Yes but  he’ll either hit me over the head with either a) a loaf of bread or b) two silver candlesticks,” Marius retaliated blandly.

“If neither of you shut up I will personally hit you both over the head with loaves of bread because I’m sick of this already and we’ve not even all got in the garden yet!” Enjolras declared, beginning to climb up the wall after Courfeyrac.

When each of them reached the other side of the wall there was silence before Courf put his body against the wall and began to shuffle towards the house in a hilarious manner that caused Enjolras to look at Marius with a disturbed look to which Marius responded to with a shrug of his shoulders and rolling his eyes from beneath his pink balaclava.

Upon the realisation that no one was in the garden Courfeyrac left the wall and began to stride up the lawn removing his balaclava and stuffing it in his pocket, with relief the rest of the friends then began to remove them and Marius peeled his off before flinging it away into a bush.

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