Enjolras - Under the Mistletoe

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She stood watching him argue with Combeferre about what side of the crib Mary should be placed on with a smirk resting on her lips.

“No harm Enjy but if you place Mary that way it looks like she's smiling at the shepherds and not Jesus,” Comb fought. “She's crouched over for a reason. To make it look like she's smiling at the baby!”

“What if she's so happy and she's sharing her joy with the shepherds?” Enjolras fought.

“Joseph's her husband?” Combeferre muttered.


“It genuinely looks as though she's caught feelings for the shepherd which is quite blasphemous of me to even think about!” Combeferre cried.



“Does it really matter?”


“Y/n. Your opinion?” Enjolras asked with a pleading look on his face.

“It does seem a wee bit weird for Mary not to be smiling at Jesus,” she replied as Mme H pinned the tinsel to the wall.


“It's not my fault that it looks wrong!”

“See! Y/n knows what she's on about!” Combeferre looked pleased and beamed over at the bar maid he not so subtly liked.

“Y/nnnn!” Enjolras whined.

“Enjyyyy!” She whined back at him before skipping on out as he ran after her leaving Combeferre to fix the nativity characters to his pleasing.

He rushed after the girl in the red dress who he'd known since he was a child and had always felt softer towards.

He didn't really know how he felt about the girl. Something in him wanted to scream when he saw her and another part of him wanted to cry. He wasn't sure.

She did eventually stop.

She was certain of how she felt. She just knew the warm fuzzy feeling and the giggles. She knew.

She stopped directly under the mistletoe and stood and waited.

Enjolras caught up quickly before staring at her grin not noticing the branch above their heads.

“Mary looked better the other way,” he huffed and she didn’t reply but instead pointed upwards.

“Look,” she let a laugh out of her mouth.

Enjolras’ mouth dropped to the ground before stammering a nonsensical sentence out of his mouth.

“We, I mean I, think that is.. G-god!” he flushed a deep red before placing his hands in his pockets.

Did she really cause her best friend, the great leader and one for words that he was to be at a loss for words? ‘Cause it was starting to look like it.

With no words she quickly slammed her mouth on his angelic cherry coloured lips hoping that he too would kiss back.

And to her shock he did.

She didn’t even know he could kiss!

It was like hours of bliss which was really only about thirty seconds before Jehan walked down the stairs spotted the two snogging one another, rushed upstairs, declared it to the whole group then skipped down the stairs with the rest of them all standing with their jaws on the floor with the two standing with their arms entangled around one another.

“What’s goin’ on?” Gavroche pushed through the crowd before reaching the two who were still oblivious to the party that had assembled at the bottom of the stairs. “EWWW!”

And on that fleeting note Gavroche rampaged back up the stairs looking as though he could puke and the two childhood friends opened their eyes.

Y/n’s instinct was to put her hand in his and Enjolras’ was to move as far away as possible and so while he was shuffling away she grabbed his hand and ended up falling to the floor while he shuffled away before he realised and then scrambled to help her up.

“It took the two of you roughly twenty years. Not bad for you Enjy. Probably your record time Enj,” Courf nodded in approval from behind Jehan on the stairs.

Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate it and a happy new year!
This is the first of a series of short Christmasy wintery themed one shots so yay! Enjoy!

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