Courfeyrac - "You're staring at my sister again"

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Courfeyrac smiled across the room at AJ who was oblivious as she was speaking with her best friend, (I GENUINELY DON'T KNOW WHO'S NAME TO USE SO SHE'S GONNA BE CALLED KATHERINE BUT KATE FOR SHORT! YOU CAN INSERT WHATEVER NAME YOU WISH!) Kate. Kate for a short amount of context was deeply in love with a certain revolutionary in a red coat and a loose cravat and she was almost certain he might have a little thing for her too due to the amazing evidence AJ had provided. But I shall not bore you on the details of Kate's crush on Enjolras!

"Seriously AJ he's either plotting your murder or deeply in love with you!" Kate told the girl as she held up the flag they were patching. "Almost there."

"When have I ever been as lucky as that? If Courf were to like me my life would be fully complete!" AJ declared as a slight smile tugged at the corners of her ruby red lips.

"Well take a peep over at him!" Kate encouraged the girl.

And so AJ turned her head around with her h/c locks spinning around with her like a twirling umbrella to discover Courfeyrac, indeed, staring at her.

Suddenly he went a shade of red and got rather embarrassed and looked down at the table that he was sitting at and AJ turned back to Kate who was looking rather pleased with herself.

"He's definitely in love with you!" she smugly said.

"Maybe. Maybe not!" AJ replied before returning back to patching the flag.

"You're staring at my sister again Courfeyrac," Grantaire's voice said into Courf's ear, causing the boy to jump and look rather panicked.


"Yes!" R responded with equal enthusiasm.

"Right, I may as well come clean about this," Courfeyrac said, wringing his hands in worry. "I really really like AJ! No! I love her! And if you'd let me, I'd love to go out with her! I would be the equivalent of her guardian angel! Do you know if she likes me?"

And R was speechless.

In the honesty of Grantaire's heart he didn't know what to do!

What if he said yes and then she didn't want a relationship with him yet!

What if he said no and she did want a relationship with him!

R knew his little sister was smitten with the flirt but what if she got hurt or what if he was hurt by her?

"She doesn't," R said in a small voice that Courfeyrac could barely hear.

"W-what?" His voice sounded fragile, like a china vase.

"She doesn't like you," R's voice was weaker than it was the previous time and Courfeyrac felt tears threatening to erupt out of his eyes and spill all over the show.

Before anyone could do anything Courfeyrac stood up and left.

Weeks went by and Courfeyrac became more and more distant as it happened. In fact the only one he really spoke with was Gavroche and that was it.

He looked dismally ghost-like and he had these patches under his eyes, as dark as coal, which informed the group his sleep schedule was suffering due to something that occurred.

Only R knew and he felt bad. In fact, bad is an understatement.

The 5th arrived and everything was occurring too quickly for AJ.

Enjolras actually confessed to Kate who was only too happy about this, Courf still couldn't look her in the face for some unknown reason, ammunition was collected like it was a collectors item amongst the friends and her brother would refuse to tell her anything about Courfeyrac and would drown his miseries in alcohol more often than ever before.

The start of the day of the fifth went smoothly enough. Things only went into chaos when they went to build a barricade which strangely meant that instead of rain it decided to rain chairs, tables, coffins, trunks and even pianos which was a bit weird but still quite fun at the same time.

Éponine's death had a quite drastic effect upon some of the barricades residents but AJ through grief kept her head and was still quite alert throughout it.

But it was Gavroche's death that got her. Everyone was hurt by Gav's death.

She did try to clamber over the barricade to save him but her skirt was pulled upon by Kate who then had to keep a firm grip on it so that AJ didn't tumble over the whole structure to save him and die herself, little did AJ know or realise that Courfeyrac had shown the first sign of emotion since that day that R told him that she didn't like him.

Courfeyrac went to crawl over it the moment that he saw Gav over it and was causing quite a commotion by having Combeferre restrain him.

And that's the point where it hit him, he couldn't spend his last few days as a dead carcass that walked about aimlessly. (HEADS UP AJ HE'S A DEAD BOY WALKING! AND THERE'S YOUR FINAL BELL IT'S ONE MORE DANCE AND THEN FAREWELL CHEEK TO CHEEK IN HELL WITH A DEAD BOY WALKING! Highly edited Heathers anybody, no? Oh okie:( )

And so the fight commenced. AJ fought her hardest, shooting every man she could see in a uniform whilst watching out for herself. It wasn't until Kate was captured that she wavered.

Enjolras was in pieces and unable to cope but AJ saw that she couldn't become vulnerable yet if ever.

So she kept on fighting her way through.

Courfeyrac's eyes never left her, he was standing beside her and was ready to yank her out of the way of any bullet.

For a quick update on the situation, Courfeyrac had tried, he had tried his hardest, to forget about AJ but her e/c eyes haunted him when he looked at her and he saw them dull like dust covered objects. His heart still belonged to her and sometimes he just wondered if it was possible to forget about a girl like her.

AJ fought her hardest, shooting at soldiers and most of the time hitting them but her alertness was bound to die out eventually.

And it did. It was when she was aiming quite particularly at the man who shot Gavroche but failed to see the man that was aiming for her too.

But Courf saw it.

Before AJ had time to release her fire she found herself being wrenched down and out of surprise she did release her fire and the bullet lodged into a chest of drawers at the same time as a bullet soared past her head like a paper plane.

Slowly AJ turned around to see who was her saviour and saw no other than her very own crush.

Before she could thank him he began to ramble on.

"Look AJ can I say something to you? Well I need to. I can't die without telling you this even though I know I'm going to be rejected," Courfeyrac said as he watched the girl's mouth start to turn upwards and form a smile. Oh that smile! "AJ, I've loved you since the day you walk-"

But he never got to finish.

AJ had closed the few centimetres that were left in between their lips and had slammed her mouth on his.

Courfeyrac's big brown (I think they are at least?) eyes went wide and he didn't close them for a minute until his brain started properly functioning again.

"SHE KISSED HIM!" Joly screamed happily, dropping his gun for a minute and dancing about like a lunatic.

Jehan stopped for a minute just to giggle but then quickly remembered that there was a large squad in front of them and promptly let out a little squeak and went back to firing at them.

And R watched from the other end of the barricade, a slight smile but still a little corner of his heart upset. But the majority of it was happy and pleased.

Hello again !
Another request from WifeofCourfeyrac who thought the amazing plot up!
Sorry if it isn't great and it changes a bit, I wrote it in three chunks which was a bit weird.

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