Enjolras- Alone Together

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Silence fell as the boys all trooped out of the café leaving y/n and Enjolras alone each at their respective writing tasks before the h/c haired girl stood up and wandered over to the window and saw them wandering through the street together.

"They're gone," she said to no one in particular.

And after a split second she felt someone pick her up from behind and pinned her against the wall.

"Enjy!" she shrieked as he grinned wildly.

Let me fill you in on the details up until this point.

Enjolras and y/n were in a secret relationship and had been for nearly a year whilst putting on the act of loathing one another.

It had really begun when the girl in a spotted red dress walked into the café and Enjolras felt a beating in his heart unlike anything he had ever felt before.

They hadn't exactly gotten along until she screamed at him that she loved him in an abandoned alleyway one night while they were on their own which resulted in her being kissed by him like France's future was affected by it.

Since then they lived for the moments where they were left alone with each other and they could have a little quiet make out.

I think that that's about it.

"Come on y/n! Don't tell me that I scared you!" he teased her with his mouth a centimetre away from hers which air was flying in and out of at a million and one miles an hour.

"Never!" she cried before shyly grabbing the quill he had stowed behind his ear for the time being and beginning to run around the café.

"GIVE IT BACK Y/N!" He cried as he hurtled after her.

"Noooo!" she laughed as she hid behind a table.

"Y/N! NOW! GIVE IT HERE!" he demanded.

"Where's the magic word?" she teased holding it out of his reach.

"PLEASE?" he screamed like a prima donna.

"A little less hostile please and thank you!" she grinned.

"Please!?" he cried before snatching it out of her hands and lifting her up before carting her away to the wall opposite the door where she found herself being kissed quite passionately.

"OH MY LORD IT IS HAPPENING!" a voice shouted from the door and y/n opened her eyes to see Courf and Jehan standing at the door where Courf was grinning and Jehan had a shocked expression on his face. "DON'T LET THEM GO ANYWHERE JEHAN! I'M GOING TO GET THE OTHERS!"

And with that Jehan was left standing somewhat even more awkward than Enjy and y/n who were still in tight embrace before there was a significantly large and noisy thud and then a quiet "I'm ok!"

"I think Courf maybe just fell down the stairs?" the poet attempted to break the ice that had formed between the three of them.

There was nothing funny about the statement at all but soon all three of them were shrieking like banshees as y/n held onto Enjolras before the rest of the friends arrived with whoops and shrieks of "did it actually happen?" echoing around the Musain with Madame Hucheloup arguing about who shipped it first with R, ending it in madame threatening to hit him over the head with something.

"YOU ARE IN LOVE!" Gavroche cried as he stood in the middle of them before turning to y/n with an angry pout on his lips. "YOU TOLD ME WE WERE ENGAGED!"

And y/n just gave a little gulp before putting her hands out in front of her as though it was all too much to cope with.

Poor Gav, she did promise him!

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