Enjolras- June and Rebellion

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Enjolras stood beside y/n a grin on his face when he saw the little white flag wave from the other side of the barricade.

Then all that could be heard was the whoops and shrieks of delight coming from the friends of the ABC who had all somehow made it out with their lives.

“The barricades successfully arised y/n!” Enjolras laughed as he lifted her by her waist and spun her around causing her skirt to whirl around her like an umbrella being twirled about.

“I know!” she smiled before she found herself being kissed with such ferocity that it rivalled a tsunami.

“I love you!” he blurted out randomly after it causing her to blush furiously and look at her skirts before she answered.

“I love you too,” she smiled before she quickly drew his mouth up to hers again.

So the barricades had successfully arisen. Enjolras felt like he could indeed do anything.

And he did.

“Give it back!” a girl's voice cried from the café.

“I don’t intend on it!” a boy responded.

“It’s my doll though!” She cried before running to her mother and clinging to her skirts, laying her blond curly head on her lap and shutting her e/c eyes before she pleaded with her mother to get her twin to give the dolly back. “Mummy, Rebellion won’t give Éponine back!”

“Come on Rebel, you know better than that,” she told him. Honestly staring at a mini version of her husband with his blond locks and nose, dressed in a red waistcoat with his father’s teasing manner radiating off him was quite intimidating.

“Fine!” He cried before throwing his twin the dolly and then waddling over to his papa with his ten year old swagger, before tapping his arm.

“Yes?” Enjolras asked before setting the book down and then taking a real turn of attitude and standing up and taking his son into his arms and then swinging him around like he had done to his mother years previous.

“Papa! Put me down! Please! I’m dizzy!” the boy cried as Enjolras sped up.

“Never!” he cried before locking eyes with y/n who sat plaiting their daughters locks as she played with her dolly named after her mother’s best friend.

Softly she smiled sweetly at him before she tied the girl’s plait with a pretty blue ribbon before she stood up and took Rebellion off him and gave him a piggyback leaving Enjolras with June.

When y/n had returned from running Rebellion down the stairs around Madame Hucheloup and then back up them again pretending that he was flying she saw quite the funniest thing a mother can see.

Enjy was waltzing with June who was criticising his posture and footwork.

“Papa, your back needs to be straight!” she scolded him. “And you keep trodding on my feet!”

“Right then!” Enjy claimed before turning the dance into some form of dance that was more than certainly not a waltz making y/n snort from the door.

“CAN I INQUIRE TO WHETHER OR NOT THE ENJOLRAS FAMILY IS COMING OUTSIDE TODAY?” no other than Courfeyrac shouted from outside on the streets where the barricade once stood.

“We’re coming now!” June cried out the window before waving to Violette who stood outside the window with her parents and siblings.

And with that June and Rebellion tore down the stairs with June trying to attach a bonnet to her head.

“I liked your dancing,” Y/n told her husband  as she looped her arm through his and began to walk.

“Oh shush!” he blushed and let out a prompt snort before yelling; “RACE YOU THERE!”

“No fair! You got a head start!” she cried before chasing after him.

Requested by CaptainMetalArm who thought up the joke as well as the plot! I thought it was quite funny having Enjolras and y/n call their children June and Rebellion!

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