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"What the fuck are YOU doing here?!" Kevin asked astonished seeing the person beneath him.

"get away from me first, you wild boar!" Rose said while pushing his chest.

Kevin blinked. He was still trying to digest the fact that the person who had been stealing the pendrive was a woman that too this redhead Rose.

"why the fuck are you everywhere I go?" he questioned.

"because I have got my eye on you...." She said sarcastically.

"answer me seriously." Now Kevin was getting angry. It can't be a coincidence that she just materializes everywhere he goes.

"mind removing your hand first." She said gesturing towards his hand.

Kevin looked down at his hand only to find it right above her breast. He looked at her who was watching him with narrowed eyes and smirked. Trailing a finger slowly upwards, he said, " naah, I think my hand is at the right place.....oww!" right after he said that, Rose threw a punch at his face resulting him to fall at his side.

" one more time you touch me like that and this punch will go right where the sun doesn't shine." Now he was on the ground and she was straddling him.

"nevermind, I like this position more." Kevin smirked and put his both hands behind his head.

It took few moments for Rose to understand what he was implying and she immediately released him and stood up.

"YOU. You are a pervert!" she gritted out, frustrated.

"only for you." Kevin smiled and stood up. "now tell me, why are you here? What are you going to do with this pendrive?" he stood near her and tried to take the pendrive from her hands.

Rose immediately shoved her hand inside the pocket and glared at him "why should I tell you? I could ask the same question from you. Tell me why are YOU here?"

"listen I don't care what your motive is....just give me the damn pendrive." He again tried to snatch the pendrive from her but this time, Rose shoved the pendrive inside her bra.

"you bitch! Why don't you listen to me." He grabbed her by her neck and his other hand went to restrain her hands.

" leave me you bastard."

"first the pendrive. I am giving you three seconds, give me the damn pendrive or I will take it myself."

He counted till three and Rose continued to look at him with pure hatred in her eyes.

Exhaling a deep breath, Kevin said "I think we are doing this my way then." He released her neck and started to unbutton her black shirt.

Rose's eyes immediately widened and she kicked him right in between his legs. Kevin groaned and clutched his private part with his both hands and sat down on the floor.

"I warned you." Rose smirked and started moving towards the window while taking out the pendrive and tossing it in the air before catching it. " don't mess with me next time." She warned him.

Kevin gritted his teeth and gripped her legs before pulling her. Rose fell down on her face and the pendrive stumbled on the floor, away from her.

Both looked at the pendrive and then at each other before dashing towards the pendrive. Rose kicked Kevin away and Kevin pulled her back. They started to wrestle on the floor punching and kicking eachother. Both stopped when they heard the sound of footsteps.

Someone was approaching the room.


Both looked at eachother and scrambled before hiding inside the walk-in closet.

The door opened and Erik walked in. He closed the door behind him and opened his coat buttons with one hand while the other kept the phone close to his ear.

".....what do you mean Damien is still with kings? I told you to take care of Kiara and send her dead body to the kings but no, you had to have some more fun with them. Now see the consequences."

Kevin, who had been hearing this all clenched his fists and gritted his teeth but he knew he can't disclose his identity and come out. His blood boiled hearing Erik speak like that for his sister but he controlled himself.

"yeah I know. I heard from my source that she is back home. Tomorrow she will be going to the mall for shopping..... I have already ordered my men to finish her." Erik said on the phone while he stepped into the closet to change his clothes.

Kevin's blood ran cold as soon as he heard this. He immediately searched for his phone in his pockets only to curse in his mind that he forgot it in his car. He put a palm on Rose's eyes to obstruct her view from seeing Erik changing. Rose, who was busy gawking at Erik's body, was startled to see sudden darkness and started pinching Kevin's palm which was covering her eyes. They stood in between the clothes and almost stuck themselves to the wall so that Erik won't be able to see them. Once changed, Erik went outside and closed the door of the closet. He was still talking on the phone so he didn't pay attention to his surroundings.

Kevin removed his palms from Rose's eye and said, "give me your phone."

"say please." Rose grumbled.

"listen, I don't have time for these things. Just give me the damn phone. I have an important call to make." Kevin gritted out, his patience running thin.

"I don't have any."

"what?!" Kevin was speechless.

"I don't have a phone currently with me."

"what the fuck! Now how am I going to notify Victor about the attack!" Kevin grabbed his head and sat down on the floor. He felt Rose sliding down beside him before hearing her speak.

"don't worry, Lisa will protect her."

"how can you be so sure?" he countered.

"because she promised to protect your sister and you guys with her life. She never breaks her promise." Rose mumbled with a sad smile.

There was a silence for a moment before Kevin spoke, "I am stuck in this because of you."

"you are at fault. We can't even go out because he is still awake. The pendrive is also somewhere there." Rose said.

"I am stuck with you here." Kevin mumbled.

"you are saying as if I am enjoying it." Rose retorted.

"of course you are."

"oh hello! I don't have patience to stay near you for even a minute."

"and you are still sitting so close to me." Kevin smirked.

Rose looked at them. Surely, they were sitting too close to eachother.

"that's because I am waiting for him to sleep so that I can sneak out." She huffed.

They fell silent and waited for Erik to sleep only to fall asleep themselves with their heads on each other's shoulders.


Next morning, Kiara went to the mall with Lisa to shop for the upcoming Christmas. She really needed a day out as the last couple of days were quite depressing for her.

Kiara sat on the passenger seat once the shopping was done and Lisa opened the back door to put the shopping bags when her phone rang. She closed the door and picked the call.


No answer.

"hello?" she said again.

No answer.

Lisa looked at her phone and then put it back in her ear. She went away from the SUV to figure out what the person on the other side was speaking. Meanwhile, she didn't notice a goods truck coming towards the SUV at full speed. By the time she turned, it was too late.



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