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Kiara sat by the window in her classroom. Looking towards the birds flying in the sky, she sighed. Oh how she wished to be one of them! She wanted to fly, she wanted to feel the freedom to do whatever she want for once.

Shaking her head, she focused on teacher. She was teaching about the life history of William Shakespeare. Had he been alive, she would have asked him to write a drama on her life. After all her life is no less than a tragedy.

A pat on her shoulder brought her back from her daydreaming session. She looked towards the source to find Damien, her secret boyfriend smiling at her. Curly blonde hair, hazel eyes l, dimple on cheeks and his muscular body made all the girls swoon over him. He was a boy straight out of fantasy. To beautiful to be true.

"what are you thinking about?" he asked raising his brows and leaning towards her. His muscles flexing under his shirt.

Kiara frowned at looked towards the front . She was surprised to see that the class is already over.

Huh! When did this happen?

Smiling to Damien, she shook her head and said,"nothing."

"Meet me in the bathroom." He smirked and went away.

Kiara flushed and waited for few minutes before following him.

Entering inside the bathroom she looked around. The stalls were empty. Frowning she turned and gasped when she came face to face with him. Damien pushed Kiara in one of the stalls and kissed her hard. His foot closing the door behind him.

"I missed you so much." He said in-between the kisses.

"I missed you too."

"Your brothers should stop controlling you. It's been a week since I last saw you. They should realise that you are a grown up now, you could make your own decisions." He said while trailing his fingers inside her skirt.

Kiara wanted to defend her brothers but somewhere even she was feeling the same.

"I know but I can't do anything." Saying this she removed his hands which were dangerously close to her underwear.

Damien sighed and looked at her, " why don't you let me touch you Kia. We have been together for eight months now."

Damien and Kiara have been dating for eight months. Kiara had to hide their relationship because the twins are still in the school. If they come to know about her relationship, they will skin Damien alive.

"you know dammy, I am not ready. I-"

" THE HELL KIA! I can't touch you publicly , I can't kiss you publicly, heck! I can't even talk to you publicly. Atleast you could do this much to compensate for that. I am out Kiara. OUT! Do whatever you have to do. If you love me even one percent of what I do; come to the party at my house tonight." Saying this he stormed out of the room leaving her crying behind.


It was lunch. The twins were sitting at their usual table chatting and laughing together. Alex had a girl on his lap and was speaking something to her in her ear. The girl blushed and hid her face in the crook of his neck. Alex laughed and patted her bare thighs. The girl had silver hair with green highlights. She wore a crop top and shortest skirt possible.

Aiden as usual was scrolling through his phone, minding his own business. Sebastian, their classmate looked at aiden and said," you know Aiden, if I hadn't known you for so long, I would've thought you are gay."

Aiden simply stared at him and again focused on his phone. Derek, who was listening to this agreed and laughed, "yes bro... I mean I have never seen you with a girl."

" I have had my share of fun." Aiden said glancing at Veronica who was sitting beside him. She was beautiful. She looked at Aiden and smiled shyly.

"Well we never saw that." Sebastian countered.

" I don't care what you think about me."

"How about we make a bet?" Derek suggested.

That caught Aiden's attention. Aiden loved bets. He enjoyed seeing people loose.

"What's the bet?" He said raising his eyebrows.

Derek looked around the cafeteria for a while before settling on a girl who was sitting alone in the farthest corner.

"You see that girl over there?"

Others turned to look towards where he was pointing.

Aiden saw a girl with blonde hair, almost white sitting alone eating her food. She looked oddly familiar.

"Do we know her?" He asked

" dude in which world do you live? We have classes with her. What's her name again, Emma?" Alex asked.

"It's Emily. She had been studying with us since sophomore year. I have never seen her with someone." Sebastian said

"so what about her" Aiden looked at hi.

"you just have to make her fall for you and kiss her and you will win the bet. I will give you six months deadline max. I know you can do it under one month." Sebastian shrugged

" alright! If I kiss her then you will give me fifty million dollars."

All the people stared at aiden as if he has grown two heads.

" tell me Seb, do you agree?" Aiden challenged.

Sebastian seemed to startled for a moment but later agreed.

" keep the money ready then." Aiden smirked.


After school, Kiara started walking towards the parking. She and twins used to travel in same car for going to and fro from home to school and vice versa. She just stepped outside the main building when she heard her name being called. She turned around and saw Darcy, her best friend running towards her.

" hey." She said panting.

" hi Darcy. Why are you running ?" Kiara asked handing her a water bottle.

"thanks! Actually I wanted to ask that will you be coming at the party today?", Darcy inquired taking big gulps of water in-between.

" I don't know darcy..... Victor won't allow me to step outside the house that late at night but don't worry I will find a way." She said.

"call me when-"


Before Kiara could comprehend who said that, she was pushed towards the wall and there was a...


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