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" I am sorry sir but trespassing into someone's property is crime." The cop gulped while looking at the two eldest king brothers sitting infront of him. Both had their arms crossed and were glaring at the poor cop as if they would deep fry him and eat at dinner.

Victor closed his eyes for a moment and leaned forward. His arms uncrossed now clasped infront of him on the table." Do you know who you are talking to officer?" his electric blue eyes digging a hole into his soul.

" of-ofcourse sir but protocol shall be followed by everyone and the owner is very angry. He specifically asked us to claim a hefty amount as compensation for the damage done." The cop stuttered.

Both the brothers frowned and looked at eachother. " You talked to the owner?" james questioned.

"n-no, I talked to –"


The brothers turned around and looked at the woman with red hair smirking.

" I told the cop what my boss asked me to do."

" miss Rose Evans." Victor looked at her, his jaws clenched.

Rose put her both hands on her left side of chest, her face wearing a surprised expression. " you remember me!"

" you are hard to forget."

" that I am." She said while flipping her red hairs back.

" ask your boss to release my brother. NOW!" he took a step towards her.

" not until you compensate for the losses." She too stepped forward while glaring into his eyes.

" james, give her a signed blank cheque. And you, now order him to release by brother." He ordered those words not once removing his eyes from the woman.

Rose happily accepted the cheque and nodded at cop to release kevin.

" you know I can release a news that you people are trying to defame us while falsely accusing my brother. I don't think your restaurant would be able to handle the aftermath miss evans." Victor whispered to her once the cop left.

" oh sir! One should never underestimate their enemy. My boss owns the largest hotel and restaurant chains all over the country. The Tasty Delight's being one of them. And talking about false accusations, the CCTV footage begs to differ sir." Rose matched his tone and answered smirking.

Victor narrowed his eyes.


" aww look who came to pick you up little boy. Your brother is here! Say hi." Rose mocked as soon as she saw kevin entering.

" has someone told you that you are a bitch." He growled.

" many have. But has some one told you that you are little baby. What were you saying......' my brother will crush you ' blah fucking blah!"

" you-" kevin tried to grab her neck but james pulled him before he could touch her.

" we are leaving now!" with this victor started to walk away.

" wait! Mr. king" rose stopped him and went near him.

" heard you were trying to get an appointment with boss? Here is his card, since he is out of country for the moment and has no plans of returning in the near future, you can talk to him on video conference. Have a good night!" she turned towards kevin and smirked, " good night little baby!" to which he growled.

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