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"mumma!" little kiara ran inside the kitchen and hugged her mother.

"my kiara is back home. What did you learn today?" lia smiled as she poured the batter into the tray.

"we learnt about manners today." Little kiara replied while curiously peeking at the tray.

"what did you learn?" lia asked.

"we learnt that when someone sneezes, we say god bless you."

"very good and what else?" she asked while keeping the tray in microwave.

"we also learnt that when we do a mistake, we say thank you."

Lia laughed and said "no dear, when we do a mistake, we say I am sorry."

"oh, ok." kiara nodded.

"repeat after me. I am sorry."

"I am sorry."


Kiara opened her eyes, her mother's voice blurring in the background replaced by static. She continued staring at the white ceiling trying to understand where she is. Slowly, she looked towards her sides. The twins occupied both the sides. Aiden was sleeping with his head leaned on the backrest of the chair; a book laid open on his lap while Alex slept with his head down on the hospital bed. His one hand grabbed hers which had a cannula attached to it. Her eyes silently followed the pipe and stopped at the bag containing a clear transparent liquid which was just beside her bed. She slowly removed her hands from Alex's and pushed her body up. She looked around the plain white hospital room wondering how she ended here. The windows showed dark sky. Neither moon nor stars illuminated the dark blanket of night. Slowly slowly, she started regaining about what happened with her few hours before.

Darcy, Damien, kidnap, torture, assault, dogs, Lisa, gun, her brothers......

It all moved like a movie right infront of her eyes until she couldn't have enough and closed her eyes with her palms.


Kiara removed her palms and frowned.

Little princess!

Mom. It's her mother calling for her. Only she called her little princess. Throwing the blankets at the side, she stepped down the bed and took out the cannula from her hand. Careful enough to not disturb her sleeping brother, she slowly made her way to outside of the room. She looked here and there, not a single soul roaming in the hallway, she found a flash of white disappearing round the corner and followed it excitedly.

She followed it and found herself on the roof of the hospital and there stood the woman who was the reason for her existence.....

Her mother.

She glowed brighter as if she was the moon herself. Illuminating the dark- melancholic surrounding with her positive aura. She wore a small smile and stared at kiara warmly. her hairs blowing in the direction of cool breeze.

" look at my beautiful little princess. She is not little anymore." Lia smiled warmly and opened her arms for her.

Kiara didn't waste a second to hop into her awaiting arms.

" mom. Why did you leave mom? I need you.... This world is so cruel." She cried into her mother's embrace and complained.

" I am sorry my dear.... But you have your brothers here.Justtrust them, they will always be with you."

" no. I want you. Only you." She snuggled into her chest and protested.

" I want you too, my love." Her mother's soft voice now transformed into a voice which was very familiar to her.

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