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That was what Kiara could hear for first few seconds. She opened her eyes and came face to face with black glasses.

Huh! Black glasses?

A women was standing in front of her wearing all black. Black shirt, black pants, black jacket and black glasses.

"Are you alright miss king ?"the women asked leaning back stepping out of her personal space.

Kiara couldn't understand for a moment. She looked at darcy who pointed towards the ground. When Kiara followed her sign, she gasped. A flower pot was laying broken on ground, the mud scattered around the ground. If that women in black hadn't saved her, it would've fallen directly on her head. She looked towards the woman who was looking towards the top floor.

" who are you ?"

" my name; Lisa davenport. I am your bodyguard." The women replied pushing her glasses up to the bridge of her nose. Kiara noticed that she is wearing black leather gloves and an earpiece.

" I have been ordered by your brother to protect you and follow you at your every step. He has also asked me to bring you back to king mansion. Please follow me." Saying this, she turned to go towards the parking area. Her voice totally formal and void of emotions similar to her face.

" But what about my brothers?"

The woman turned her head to side and said," boss had already notified them. Did he not tell you that I will be joining from today?"

"he did."

Lisa simply nodded and started walking. Kiara looked towards darcy who was watching the whole drama unfolding with wide eyes.

" sis! Is she a woman or a robot?" she asked looking at her.

"I don't know. I will call you at night ok. Bye!" saying this Kiara followed the bodyguard.

Lisa was already waiting for her when she arrived. She started the black SUV when she was sure that Kiara has properly buckled up at the backseat.

Kiara never thought that her bodyguard would be a woman. In order to know more about her, She leaned forward and asked...

"What's your name?"

"Lisa davenport."

"Right. Sorry. Next question"

" How old are you?"


"Don't you think you are too young for this job."

"Age doesn't matter. Capability does"

"Okayyy. Why are you doing this job like why protecting me why not any other job? Aren't you scared of death?"

"death doesn't scare me. And the salary is quiet bulky."

"What about your studies?"

" I am qualified enough to Survive."

Kiara ran out of questions and sat back awkwardly.

Soon they reached to the king's mansion. It was situated in the middle of the forest in New York. The big metal gates opened to let the suv inside. The car rounded the pavement and stopped at the stairs to the main door.

Kiara stepped inside and went straight to the library. She knew her brother would be there. She knocked the door twice before entering inside, her brother was working on his laptop. He raised his eyes to regard her.

"I didn't allow you to come in."

"I knocked."

" You must wait for my permission kia."

"You never told me that bodyguard is going to be a girl." She said crossing her arms.

"Why do you sound so disappointed." Victor said raising his brows.

" it's not like that Vic. I just....."

" you just.....?" Victor probed her to continue.

"Leave it, never mind. She was saying something like she would 'follow me at every step' what did she mean by that?" Kiara asked quoting the words.

"exactly what she said my dear."


" let's continue the talk in her presence. I have still not officially introduced her to you and your brothers." Saying this he stood up and asked Kiara to follow.

The entered inside the living room where all the other brothers were present already.

" what the hell Vic. How could you allow a stranger to bring Kia back home?" Alex said while standing up and facing his brother.

"that stranger will be now following Kia like a shadow. She will be with her for 24*7. Enter." Victor ordered.

Lisa entered the living room and stood beside Victor with her hands at back. Poker-faced, straight body and alert mind. A perfect bodyguard.

" everyone, this is Lisa davenport. She will be guarding Kia from now onwards."

In return Lisa simply nodded at greeting.

"So you are telling me a girl will guard my sister." Kevin stood up bursted.

" she seems so young Vic. Are you sure?" James inquired.

" I don't think she is capable of protecting her. It seems like she needs protection herself." Aiden remarked.

" I totally agree, look at her....." Alex went towards Lisa and grabbed her arm. " you are giving responsibility of our sister to this weak twig?" he said flailing her arms.

Lisa who had been acting like she wasn't even there simply grabbed Alex's hand which was holding her, twisted it and slammed him down on the floor like a pro wrestler.

This happened in the matter of seconds that no one had time to react. There was pin drop silence. James and Aiden who were the only ones sitting now stood up looking at Lisa with wide eyes. Kiara and Kevin opened their mouth so wide that it seemed like their jaws will hit the floor. Even Victor was surprised.

" just because I am a female doesn't mean that I can't protect me or my subject. I hope you all got your answers." She said looking at Alex who was still wriggling on floor and then at others.

Victor immediately composed himself and said, " I am trusting my sister with you Lisa. I don't want any carelessness from your side."

" you won't get any. I promise to protect king's."

He nodded and turned to Kiara, " Lisa will be staying in the room beside you so that she can help you whenever you need her."

Kiara wanted to argue but simply nodded. She knew she can't change his decision.

She sighed.


After dinner, Kiara was pacing back and forth in her room, the party was tonight and she had to be there at any cost. Damien was not answering his calls and even ignored her texts. She was getting worried about her relationship.

What if he has really broken up with me? No ! He was just angry. Yeah just angry. He doesn't mean any of it.

Kiara was startled when her phone rang , it was from Darcy.


" will you be coming to the party?"


"great! I will pick you up at 11 ok ?"

"Yeah. Bye"

Kiara looked towards the clock. She still had two hours to get ready. She was determined to go to the party but the main question was....


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