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Kiara sat on the breakfast table and nibbled on her toast as she constantly tried to look towards the stairs.

" what are you looking at?" kevin asked her.

" I haven't seen Lisa today." She mumbled.

" oh she must in office talking to victor." Kevin said uninterestingly.

" you saw her?" She looked at him with anticipation.

" yeah. We spar in the morning remember?"

" is she alright?" she asked hesitately.

" yeah. She looked good to me."

Kiara nodded and stared at her plate.

" what happened princess? Why so long face?" james asked as he sat down beside her sipping his coffee.

" just thinking about lisa." She said still not looking up.

" what about her?" james probed.

" you know, I have been always mean to her, always disrespected her, said many hurtful things to her, did everything so that she could resign. Yesterday we made her carry so many bags that she could barely see where she was walking but she still didn't say anything. If I would have been on her place, I would've cried." She said guiltily.

" ok....point number one, you will never be at her place. And point number two, that's her duty to protect you." Kevin said sharply.

" stop thinking too much kia, victor is there to handle everything." James assured her.

" anyway, leave all that. You tell me what are your plans for your birthday?" james asked, excited.

" we still have one week for that." Kiara muttered.

" yes. One week! That's so close."

" I am saying in advance. This time you won't get a gift from me." Kevin quipped in.

" if your gift includes the half burnt cake from last time, then keep your gift with yourself." She countered. " seriously, don't go inside the kitchen. Your cooking sucks."

" hey! That was just one time." Kevin exclaimed. Offended.

" she is right."

The three of them turned to look at victor who stood by the stairs. " you always turn the kitchen upside down so it's better if you don't enter inside." He walked towards them and looked at kiara. " are you done?" he asked.

Kiara nodded and looked at lisa who stood behind him. Her hands behind her back. Spine straight. Face emotionless with her signature black glasses on.

" then go. You're getting late for school."

She nodded and wished her brothers goodbye before following lisa. As she sat; she waited for lisa to say something, anything but finally gave up when she realized that this girl only speaks when somebody asks her something. Gathering courage, she leaned forward and said,

" lisa....?"

The said women looked at rearview mirror as if urging her to continue.

" are you alright?"

Lisa nodded in return.

" really?"

A nod once again.

" is the injury hurting?"

Lisa shook her head.

" really?"

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