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" What is wrong with you my dear? Leaving the house without informing anyone that too at night!" Victor questioned his sister while looking at her disappointedly.

Kiara just looked down towards her lap; her finger curling around her dress, nails digging into her thighs.

" I am asking you something?"

"would you have allowed me to go if I had asked you ?" she questioned back meekly.

" this is not the answer to my question and no...... I would have not allowed you to go out this late." Victor said leaning back on his chair. Currently they both were in his study. Kiara knew that none of her other brothers will be able to save her from victor. They have started the conversation just now and she felt exhausted already. It was like waiting for your punishments while standing at the entrance of hell.

But you never visited hell kiara!!

" as you said...... you would've never allowed me to go so –"

" so you decided to sneak out."

" no it's not like that." She said while shaking her head. Her voice desperate.

" it seems like that."

" I am sorry." She said. A single tear falling from her eyes.

"you should be."

Kiara waited for her brother to say something but instead, she just heard a sigh.

" go kia...... take rest." Victor said finally rubbing his temple tiredly.

Kiara looked at her brother unblinkingly and stood up. Murmuring a sorry, she left his study quietly.

Shutting the door behind her, she looked towards her bodyguard who was currently having a staring contest with Alex. Though Lisa wore her signature black glasses, Kiara could still feel the intensity of her glare towards Alex.

" I still think it is a bad idea to leave Kiara with you. You weren't able to look after her even for a day." He accused.

" that's because she was in my office at that time." Victor said while closing the door behind him.

" Lisa, escort Kiara back to her room." He ordered.

Lisa compiled taking kiara with her leaving the brothers behind. Kiara looked behind to see her both the brothers talking in hushed voices.

She turned towards lisa and asked," weren't you sleeping?"

" I don't sleep miss king."

Kiara looked at her like she had grown two horns. But before she could speak, lisa interrupted her, " miss king, trust your brother. Good night!"

Kiara closed the door of her room and leaned her back on it. Lisa's words still ringing in her head.

Trust your brother.....


" I wish you were here." Victor said while staring at her mother's grave. " kiara is growing into a beautiful girl, but her rebellious nature had been a matter of concern lately. Earlier she used to shout or stay behind the closed doors of her room if I didn't allow her to go out, but yesterday...... she tried to sneak out to go to a party. Though her bodyguard brought her back but what if something had happened to her? Last week's kidnap attempt still haunts me till now. What should I do am I being too strict on her?"

He kept on staring at his mother's grave, hoping that she will magically answer his questions.

" some decisions are hard to make."

Victor looked behind towards the source of voice. A woman with short shoulder length brown hair and grey eyes was walking towards him with a small smile on her face. A bouquet of red and white tulips in her hand.

" hey stranger." She looked at him while keeping the bouquet on his mother's grave.

"hey stranger" victor replied back.

" you know, making decisions is difficult when it concerns your loved ones but remember it's not always necessary that your sister would be happy with the decisions taken by you for her. You should keep in mind that she is in that phase of life where kids tend to be rebellious." She explained.

" then tell me what should I do?"

"communicate. Communication is the key. Talk to her calmly and explain her why the decision that you are taking for her is necessary. Listen to her side and try to understand from her point of view and then come to a conclusion."

Victor pondered on what she said and nodded.

The woman smiled and stood up. Dusting her black trousers and white shirt, she saluted him and started walking towards the entrance.

Victor kept on looking at her back. He doesn't know anything about her and neither did she know anything about him. During early days they would just walk by each other minding their own business. Soon it turned to sharing small smiles and later sharing their thoughts with each other. They would just talk about their problems, their thoughts and go back to their world.

"thank you stranger." He murmured back.


" hey Emily."

Emily looked up to see Aiden standing in front of her with a bored expression. She was studying in library and it's very un-Aiden-like to visit a library.

" hello Aiden." Emily replied back while looking at him suspiciously.

" you know me?" he asked raising his brows.

" the whole school knows you" she shrugged.

" right! So I want you to tutor me." He said coming straight to the point

" pardon?"

" I want you to tutor me."


" what ?"

" I said no"


" because I don't want to become a target of all the girls who admire you."

" that's ridiculous!" Aiden exclaimed.

" no it's not...... I am sorry but I can't." saying this she immediately stood up, packed her things and left the library.

Aiden kept on starting at the blank space stupefied.

What the fuck just happened??

A sound of laughter brought him back from his thoughts. He looked towards his friends who were hiding behind books watching the whole scene.

" I can't believe she denied!" Alex said holding his stomach. Deliberately ignoring librarian's murderous glare.

" told you so, she is different." Sebastian said.

" now what are you going to do Aiden?" Derek asked him.

Aiden who was red with embarrassment and anger smirked and said, " don't worry, I have a plan."

You will regret this Emily.

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