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Kiara entered inside the house and immediately started rushing upstairs towards Victor's study. Her brother's disappointed face was eating her inside out. She needed to apologize to him.

" Where are you going?" kevin said while coming out from the kitchen. A bowl of ice cream in his hand.

" to meet victor." She replied stopping in the midst of climbing stairs.

" okayyyy, point number one, he is not home....... Point number two, come down; I want to talk to you."

Kiara's shoulders slouched. Sulking, she started climbing down the stairs and followed her brother to the kitchen. Kevin handed her a bowl of chocolate ice cream and sat beside her.

" now tell me, why did you sneak out." He asked.

"please no. I have already been through this interrogation and now I don't want to go through another one." She begged her brother.

" kia, do you have any idea what you did? You sneaked out in the middle of the night without telling anyone anything! How would we have known if god forbid something had happened to you ?!" kevin said finally loosing his calm.

" I know and I am sorry......" kiara hiccupped. Tears streaming down her eyes."....... I know what I did was wrong and I regret it. I just......I just wanted to enjoy like other teenagers."

" you might be thinking that we don't let you enjoy your life; we don't give you enough freedom......but remember one thing, vic would never compromise your security for your freedom." He explained her calmly.

Kiara sat quietly for a while. Kevin did had a point.... Victor would never compromise her safety but his disappointed expression was still eating her. Earlier when she used to disobey him, he would ground her or confiscate her gadgets but this time, he simply sent her back to her room without saying anything.

" was he angry?" she asked meekly.



Kevin's expression soften a little. He sighed and said, " he was upset."

Kiara's shoulder drooped low hearing this. She ducked her head between her hands and started to cry softly.

" hey, it's ok! He will come around. No worries." He awkwardly patted her head.

" is that snot running down your nose?"

No response.

"your makeup is getting washed away kia."

Again no response.

" is that a cockroach near your feet?"

As if electrocuted, kiara jumped from her chair and started searching frantically.

" where? Where is the cockroach? Where? Where- " she stopped when she heard kevin laughing maniacally while holding his stomach.

" see, cockroach always works." He said while laughing in between.


" what do you mean victor won't be joining us for dinner?" kiara looked at her second eldest. A frown decorating her face. Kevin had done a good job by diverting kiara's mind but as time for dinner rolled in, kiara again started to worry about facing her eldest brother. She even prepared a long apology speech but guess it went down the drain.

" due to some unavoidable circumstances, he had to leave for los angles. He will be back in few days. don't worry." James tried to reassure her but seeing her sulking expression he immediately added, " since victor is away for work, I will be attending an exhibition on his place. Would you like to come with me kia?"

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