30 | We Give Up?

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With the final pin nestled in her bun, a shuddering sigh escaped her lips, mingling with the torrents of tears rolling down her cheeks.

Each breath felt like a struggle, her heart weighed down by an unbearable ache.

"I need you." She whispered into the empty room, her words a desperate plea that echoed against the walls, until a sudden knock shattered the stillness.

Wiping her tears and steeling herself, she called out, her voice trembling, "Yes?"

"Ma'am, Master is asking for you. Are you alright?" The maid's concerned voice pierced through the storm of her sorrow.

"Yes, I'll be there shortly. Please, make the necessary arrangements." She managed to choke out, her throat tight with emotion, before the maid retreated, leaving her alone once more.

"Jisoo, why hide yourself?" His voice, so unexpected, cut through the silence like a knife, causing her to startle and turn, her eyes widening in disbelief.

"Jin?" Her voice cracked, tears still glistening in her eyes as she searched his face for any sign of illusion.

"Yes, it's me. Did you miss me?" His words hung heavy in the air, laden with layers of unspoken emotions.

"More than you can even think of." Unable to resist any longer, he opened his arms, the floodgates of her heart bursting open.

As she reached out to embrace him, the illusion shattered before her eyes, leaving her grasping at nothing but air.

Reality crashed down on her like a relentless wave, and she collapsed to the ground, the emptiness engulfing her in a suffocating environment.

"Will you never come back? Am I losing you forever?" Her words hung heavy in the silence, each one laced with heartbreak as she clung to her wedding dress, its fabric stained with her tears.

But amidst the echo of her own helplessness, another voice pierced through the darkness.

"Jisoo, come out right now. The guests are waiting." Suho's harsh tone jolted her back to the harsh reality of her impending marriage to the monster before her.

"I'm coming." She replied, her voice barely above a whisper, as she wiped away her tears and forced a hollow smile upon her trembling lips.

"I'll always fight for you, Jin. Remember, I love you and only you." She vowed silently, her heart aching with a love that could never be.

"Doesn't matter how much he tortures me, but I'll endure it for you, Jin. I want you alive and happy. Maybe, we weren't meant to be together." She whispered, her words a desperate plea to a love lost in darkness.

With a heavy heart, she opened the door to find Suho's gaze fixed upon her.

"Should we go ahead?" Suho's hand extended towards her, but she recoiled, determined to assert her independence.

"I can walk by myself." She retorted, her voice trembling with defiance as she moved forward, only to be yanked back by an iron grip on her bun.

She winced in pain as she recognized the source of the force, his words like poison seeping into her soul.

"I know it well, dear. But do as I say, don't use your brain. Even you know he's still stuck in my trap." He hissed, his threat hanging heavy in the air.

With a resigned nod, she accepted, allowing herself to be led by his hand, her heart heavy with the weight of his control.

As they made their way towards the stage, the priest intervened, reminding Suho of tradition. "She'll enter after you, that's what the tradition says."

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