Chapter 97

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Zoro had attached the small boat to Nova's ship, which had then set sail. He set up his place again on the side where he could get some sleep. It would still take some time to get to Sabaody Archipelago. Nobody knew who of the crew was already there. Perhaps he and Yukiji would be the first to get there, which was hardly possible.

The person who knew the sea best was Nami. With the log port she had and her skills, she would be the quickest to reach the island. Zoro had to admit that Nami was unbeatable in this area.

A soft clink caused one of Zoro's eyes to open. As far as he knew, this sound belonged to a tin box of a mail seagull. Apparently Nova had seen one and paid for the newspaper, which his girlfriend had immediately taken possession of.

Without even taking an interest, he closed his eyes again. If there was something important, Yukiji would tell him. But it wasn't a bad idea to get informed either. If Luffy was already near this island, he had certainly done something that was in the newspaper.

Just as he had broken into Impel Down alone and escaped with other pirates. Right after that, he was also involved in the Marine Ford when Whitebeard attacked with his commanders to rescue Ace. Luffy had received a lot of attention then. And then Zoro also knew why Mihawk left his island for a few days. The samurai were gathered to fight Whitebeard.

"I knew it!" scolded Yukiji, slightly annoyed, which made Zoro yawn and sit up. "What's wrong?" wanted to know Nova, who was at the helm of their ship.

"My father messed up our fight!" said Yukiji. On the one hand, she thought it was a good thing to avoid attracting the attention of pirates, but on the other hand, she didn't want her father to get away with it all the time. Everyone should know what he would do for power.

"What do you mean?" Zoro wanted to know and leaned over her shoulder a little from behind. "He made it look like I, a mere pirate, did something to him!" Yukiji continued to rant. "There's not a word about me being his daughter, nor why this fight happened!"

Zoro's eyes turned to the picture that was inserted. The navy had gotten this news into the papers pretty quickly. It annoyed him that Yukiji was considered an enemy.

"But there's something I don't understand..." intervened Nova, who managed to remain calm. "Your father put 165 million berries on you so that the navy would bring you back. Why would they make it look like you had nothing to do with the king?"

"Because it would make him look bad, Nova. My father will do anything to gain power. He'll use any means necessary. I'm sure the navy will still want to arrest me and bring me to him. But no pirate hunters or pirates must know about our connection." Yukiji explained.

"Oii, your bounty has gone up." Zoro noticed when he saw their wanted picture in the newspaper with the 165 million crossed out. Below the picture was the new number, which would probably soon be distributed with the new wanted poster. "Whaaaat?! 516 million Berry!!" Yukiji exclaimed and could only assume that her father was behind it.

Nova laughed lightly. Her father really would do anything to get her back. No wonder after what had happened. "Apparently it was still a victory for him. By awakening the king-haki, you must have increased your value."

"Sanji is killing me..." Yukiji whined. If he saw this newspaper, then he would certainly do everything he could to ensure that she never had to return.

The twin fruit of the cherry blossom princess Zoro FFWhere stories live. Discover now