Chapter 33

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As in many cases, Luffy had messed with his opponent, who had made fun of his friends and this time had even stolen the gold from Noland's descendant. On the way back, he had even been a little late because he had been looking for a Hercules beetle.

Shaking her head, Nami had looked at him, then shouted at him and finally said that they had to sail off so that the log port would continue to point to the sky.

Yukiji remained relatively calm about this plan. She had little experience of all these things and helped where she could. She left the instructions for the sails and the route to Nami and left the manual work to the men. Yukiji could also set the sails, but if there were already strong men, she thought it would be best if they took over.

"Hold on tight!" shouted Nami loudly as the crew entered the whirlpool with the help of the monkey gang and a large pillar emerged from underwater. This rose further and further into the sky and created a strong wind that swirled.

"The ship is taking off! Nami!" Usopp screamed and cried, literally clinging to the ship's mast. "Set sail!" the young woman ordered immediately and had a plan in her head.

"Yukiji, can you create more wind?!" Nami called out to the younger girl, who had been holding on to the wooden railing on the stairs. Puzzled by this question, she looked at Nami. Why would she do that now? "We need more wind!"

Yukiji nodded. Nami certainly knew what she was doing, which was why she trusted her so much. Swaying slightly, Yukiji ran onto the deck and leaned against the wall that led to the cabins.

Since the ship went up vertically, Yukiji didn't have to hold on tightly. "Sails are set!" shouted Luffy, grinning loudly, which Yukiji took as a signal and used her devil fruit.

Her arms dissolved into air, which she now pointed at the sail. Yukiji was careful not to use any cherry blossoms that would cut the fabric. At this moment, the ship became even faster and lifted off the water column to fly high. So that was the plan.

"We're flying!" laughed Luffy delightedly. Nami really was a very good navigator. "When will the end come!?" asked Usopp, who was still very unsure.

"Behind those clouds!" shouted Nami, who kept looking at the log port. No doubt, the Sky Island had to exist. But was there also the gold that Noland had spoken of 400 years ago?

Yukiji didn't know and narrowed her eyes as the ship plunged into the clouds. Whether it was a good idea to go up here would certainly become clear later.

The twin fruit of the cherry blossom princess Zoro FFWhere stories live. Discover now