Chapter 48

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As the train set off, Yukiji held on tightly so that she wouldn't fall over and make a noise. She looked out of one of the large windows and recognized the raging sea that had probably prepared for the wave. She only hoped that the others could escape this wave.

The eighteen-year-old exhaled softly. From now on, Yukiji was on her own. To her knowledge, only Robin and she from the crew were present. So she hadn't noticed how Usopp was kidnapped with another person and Sanji was able to board the train.

When hope was almost lost for Yukiji and she had reached the next compartment, her eyes caught sight of a woman under a green-colored coat. No doubt, it had to be Robin. The fact that the rattling and noise of the train could be heard in here meant that Yukiji was very quiet in comparison.

Yukiji had once again taken advantage of the approaching storm and the sounds of it to move. No real footsteps could be heard from her, which was why she had not yet been discovered. At least not by anyone sitting in here. Because they were all involved in deep conversation themselves.

Robin listened quietly to the sounds of the train and rested her head on her hand. She tried several times to control her emotions and recalled the past weeks several times. Old conversations and events came up in her head, which almost made Robin cry again.

Betraying her family didn't seem wrong to her at all. Nor did she regret it. Why should she? The crew was more important to her than anything else she had experienced. Her decision to be a victim of the government had become ingrained in her mind. She hoped that the crew had listened to her. That they would flee to Aqua Laguna.

In the corner of her eye, covered by her fingers hiding her tears, Robin saw someone sit down with her. Not good at all. Someone from CP9 or the government wasn't allowed to see her weak side. Her slight despair.

Robin bit her lip hard to pull herself together. She had to keep her cold look, her cold demeanor. Otherwise, it was all for nothing.

"Tears show strength, so go ahead." Robin heard a gentle and loving voice, which made her heart stop for a moment. Her hand trembled in front of her face. Only slowly did Robin take it away and looked into gray eyes that radiated so much.

"Y..Yukiji..." she whispered softly and looked around. How long had she been on this train and why hadn't she been seen? Out of reflex, Robin used her devil power and put a hand over Yukiji's mouth. She blinked several times before a soft, muffled laugh could be heard. "Have you gone mad?!" Robin hissed softly.

Once again, her gaze slid to the members of CP9 who were engrossed in their conversation. That's why Yukiji came in here. She had taken advantage of the whole thing. "What are you doing here?" Robin asked quietly, releasing her hand from Yukiji's.

"I can ask you the same thing. You could have told us." Yukiji replied in the same way. "Has anyone told you what a stubborn princess you are?"

Yukiji thought ignorantly for a moment. Although it was more intentional. "Yes, Nova." she finally said and smiled. "You should watch what you're doing, Yukiji. You can trust me and Chopper on this subject. But don't forget your wanted poster."

Yukiji knew that. Robin wouldn't stab her in the back. She would have done that with Sir Crocodile long ago. With her arms now crossed, Yukiji glared at her friend.

"You don't think we're going to abandon you, do you?" she asked. "You should know the crew by now. As soon as Luffy and the others know the truth, they'll come after you."

Realizing this, Robin put her hand to her forehead. Yukiji didn't have to tell her that. However, it was still dangerous for Yukiji here. The government could bring five navy admirals here with one signal. Then Yukiji would be so lost if they caught her.

Yukiji was taking a very high risk here. "You have to get out of here." Robin spoke to her and realized that Yukiji wasn't going to move at all. Stubborn girl, just like Zoro said!

"Who are you talking to, Robin?" Blueno asked as Robin froze when she had already turned her gaze away from Yukiji for a moment. "I..." the black-haired girl began to say before looking to the seat opposite. Yukiji had disappeared, having surely dissolved to merge with the inner air in here.

"With no one." Robin said simply, pulling himself together. Yukiji's devil fruit was quite an advantage here.

The twin fruit of the cherry blossom princess Zoro FFWhere stories live. Discover now