Chapter 6

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"What have you done with it?!" the captain shouted at Sanji, who had no idea what exactly had happened. "I don't know what you're talking about, you old brat!" the boy shouted back.

"I'm talking about the devil fruit we have to deliver!" the man shouted back. "I don't even know what that is!" Sanji scolded, being very brave with his mouth.

Swallowing hard, Yukiji hid behind the kitchen wall with Nova and listened to everything. Their job was to clean the crew's sleeping areas. However, everyone in the kitchen was so loud that they had interrupted their work.

"A devil fruit gives a person special powers! We spent days looking for this fruit, which has now disappeared!" the man explained. "I'm not going to soil my food with a strange fruit!"

Sanji was right. He would never throw something unknown anywhere. "You can put your food anywhere else!" "My soup is better than yours!" Sanji shouted back. Great, now this discussion was starting again.

"Yukiji...", Nova whispered softly and looked down. "I think...that we ate that devil fruit..."

The Vinsmoke muttered quietly to herself. It hadn't been a good idea to touch anything. "What does that mean now? Do we have a special power?" she asked her friend, "I don't know..."

Although Nova had the opportunity to read books thanks to Yukiji, she didn't know any devil fruits. They had learned about the world from the dream she had. She didn't know that such fruits existed.

"Did you see who it was?!" asked the captain. "No! And I'm not interested either!" replied Sanji and just wanted to carry on cooking. At least something he could give Yukiji and Nova. It wasn't much that he was allowed to cook. But Sanji had been given permission to cook something of his own if it wasn't for the crew. So he took up the offer that he could give his homemade food to the girls.

"If anyone has seen anything, come to me!" the captain shouted before disappearing from the kitchen. It was a wonder he hadn't questioned Sanji more. Yukiji and Nova hadn't told him anything. How could they? They themselves didn't know what was going to happen.

"I should have listened to you." Nova said to her friend. "Oh well, in the end we were both just too curious. We should keep a low profile. Who knows what they'll do to us if they know we've eaten this fruit."

"To hear that from a princess..." Nova laughed softly. "Well, you know very well that I'm not a typical princess." Yukiji grinned back.

"No, you're really not."

The twin fruit of the cherry blossom princess Zoro FFWhere stories live. Discover now