Chapter 27

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The noise could still be heard on the deck, which had prompted Yukiji to come out of the cabin. Up on the deck, in addition to the salty sea breeze, there was another smell that made her nose itch. Due to the wind, which was her main element, Yukiji was able to perceive this smell better and classify it as dangerous.

Holding her woody aikido staff in her hands, the young woman caught sight of an unknown woman on board. Opposite the Going Merry, another ship could be seen flying a blue and black flag. Blue Demon, a pirate then. But where was the crew?

They had heard a lot about this name. However, Yukiji was not afraid of it, nor did she know exactly why this name was known. After all, there were also pirates besides the Straw Hats who had nothing evil in mind.

"So, where do you have the gold?" asked a black-haired woman. She was wearing a black and gold cloak, but it was only over her shoulders. Her pirate hat was black and had a white feather attached to a small ribbon. On the band of the hat was a pirate's sign, which resembled a clown. Under the hat, the woman wore a blue headscarf that matched her eyes.

"We don't have any gold." Luffy said immediately. "Just food." Yukiji, who had been watching everything closely, now saw how the pirate had raised her hand and several small vibrations had formed there and were emanating. The smell came from her, which is why Yukiji did not hesitate for long and raised her hand herself.

A gust of wind arose, which blew away the vibrations and knocked the woman onto the deck. "Huh?" came a quick question from the young woman, who had raised her eyes and saw some cherry blossoms underneath. "What...impossible." she breathed softly before standing up quickly. "It's you..."

"Huh?" asked Yukiji, who didn't understand. "You're the one who called for help!" the woman shouted back at her. When had Yukiji done that?

"What if she did? Do you mind?" asked Yukiji, continuing to hold her staff in her hand. "Yes, I have something against it." , the woman said grudgingly. Although she still had her old clothes from Buggy and had camouflaged herself with the ship and her own flag, she still liked the nature of the performances.

"I was looking for you, but now that I see that I was looking for a pirate, I have no choice but to do my duty!" shouted the black-haired girl who had actually wanted to save her and launched an attack.

Yukiji quickly swung her staff and created another wind. The strange sound of the wind in the air had changed drastically. Something that infuriated the black-haired girl. She realized that her opponent was her weakness but also her strength. Something Yukiji also noticed. "Shit, she can hear my wind."

"In that case." the woman began to say and took off her hat and coat. Those present could now see the proper attire of the slightly older woman. The white color of the navy.

Yukiji swallowed briefly. So this woman perceived her as a strong opponent. The handle of the scythe was colored in a poisonous green which became lighter and lighter towards the top. The scythe itself had a kind of wind pattern, which was probably meant to represent the sounds and their tones. So someone from the navy was able to understand her cherry blossoms.

"Ohh what a beeaaauty!" Sanji shouted and was immediately hit. "Don't take this lightly!" Nami yelled at him. "Luffy! Do something!"

"Huh, why? It's not my fight." Luffy spoke casually and looked at the two women. Yukiji stood ready to fight and was immediately attacked by the commander.

She came at them at top speed and immediately pushed them both overboard. Not knowing that the gray-eyed woman could carry herself with the wind in the air.

"I see." grinned the black-haired woman, who had rammed her sickle into the wood and brought herself back up. "Then I'd like to welcome you all to my new show."

The twin fruit of the cherry blossom princess Zoro FFDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora