Chapter 35

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"I...can't take any more..." Yukiji moaned exhaustedly as she sank to her knees and had to catch her breath. No sooner had she and Chopper started to repair the ship than they were attacked.

In addition to some strange sharks, a knight came with some kind of fire lance and tried to burn everything down. It was extremely difficult for Yukiji to fight him, as she was at a great disadvantage.

Either her cherry blossoms would burn, or the wind would spread the fire further. Not a good devil power for someone who attacked with fire. Yukiji was glad that Chopper was at her side. He couldn't do much either, as the ship had to remain whole. That was why he had blown the whistle that had summoned the old man to the Pegasus. Yukiji had completely forgotten about him.

"Without him, we would have lost..." Chopper also moaned and was wounded. She looked at Yukiji before looking at the old man, who had been hit worse.

"Let's take care of him and then take care of you." The Vinsmoke smiled and received a nod from Chopper. Together they took the man into the cabin to lay him on a futon and tend to his wounds. Yukiji left this to Chopper and took a few small items from his supplies.

As soon as Chopper was finished and his bird had also been taken care of, he exhaled loudly. "Done." he said and looked in surprise at Yukiji, who had knelt down behind him and was holding up a bandage. "Huh?" "Your turn."

Chopper looked at the young woman with watery eyes and could almost start crying. Of all the members, she was the newest, like Robin, but he liked Yukiji the best.

Not only because of the cherry blossoms she created for him, but also because she was a caring person and looked after others. Besides Doctor Bader and Doctorine, Yukiji was the one person who never looked at him funny. Right after she woke up after Alabasta, she hadn't looked at him with contempt or insulted him. Well, Yukiji had thrown him through the wall, but only because she had a panicky fear of splashes.

Luffy had stared at him at first and called him a 'monster', which he hadn't actually meant. But the statement had hurt Chopper a little, which was why Yukiji was unfortunately standing over him.

"You don't have to cry, Chopper." he heard Yukiji say and felt her hands on his fluffy cheeks. He felt her thumbs just under his eyes, which made him realize that he had started to cry.

"'re so meeee!" he cried now, making Yukiji just smile, wiping away a few tears and wrapping his body with the bandage. His wounds were only superficial and would heal and disappear with time. "Of course, you're my friend too." Yukiji smiled and nodded with satisfaction when she saw the result.

"Let's see if the others have come back." Yukiji finally said, standing up and waving Chopper over to her, who was sniffling. Her wounds were not so bad that they needed to be treated.

"Oiii! Chopper! Yukiji!" Zoro could already be heard shouting. Apparently they really were back already. "What happened to you!?" Nami shouted as soon as the two of them made themselves known and began to stagger.

"It was really baaaaad!" Chopper almost overdid it and started crying again when he told them about the lance man. At the same time, however, a small boat approached the altar with Sanji, Luffy and Usopp on board. They were fine too.

Well, except for their own little wounds. I don't know what had happened to them, but they obviously didn't have it easy. 

"Are you really all right?" Sanji tried to reassure himself when everything was sorted out later that day and, after another 400 years of fighting, the golden bell had struck again to end the war. "Yes, you worry far too much."

"You're my little sister too. Besides, I know exactly what our father has done." Yukiji exhaled softly and smiled gently. "I'm doing really well, Sanji. What happened has passed. Like you, I'm trying to look forward and accompany you in your dream." Yukiji grinned.

"The All-Blue..." the blond-haired man mumbled and blew out the smoke from his cigarette. "But you should have your own dream, your own goal." he said.

"I don't know of anything I should have." Yukiji admitted and was looked at closely during the conversation by Zoro, who was sitting a little to one side drinking his beer. He didn't know what the siblings were talking about, but Yukiji was one person he couldn't look away from.

It wasn't Kuina that Zoro wanted to compete with. It was something else that interested him. And it wasn't Yukiji's strength that she could improve. No, it was everything about her that he wanted to get to know. "Since when have I been thinking about something like this?" Zoro asked himself, who really only had one goal.

To surpass Mihawk and become the best swordsman, which he had sworn to Kuina.

The twin fruit of the cherry blossom princess Zoro FFWhere stories live. Discover now