Chapter 61- Focus

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Kylo Ren had made it to Exegol...

And there was Palpatine, in the flesh.

            As Kylo learned the truth about Snoke—about how he had been crafted by Palpatine just to influence him, and how the Sith Lord whispered into the ears of gullible people like Darley in order to achieve ends—he felt a strange sense of longing in his heart...

            Like this wasn't how the story was meant to go, or something...

But it was how it went, and Kylo knew it had to continue.

"The First Order was just the beginning. I will give you so much more" said Palpatine.

"You'll die first" Kylo spat.

"I have died before. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be...unnatural"

"What could you give me?"

"Everything...a new Empire"

Kylo Ren never once thought that he would be where he was now—standing before Lord Sidious himself, Emperor Palpatine. But there he was, dead eyed, hooked up to who knows what kind of Sith contraptions...
And then, like giants, a fleet of ancient star destroyers lifted into the sky, all flickering blue....

"The might of the Final Order will soon be ready"

The Final Order...

Kylo had never seen so many star destroyers in one place. To him, it looked like infinity. His heart pounded in his chest...

"It will be yours, if you do as I ask...Kill the girl."

Kill Rey...

"End the Jedi. And become what your grandfather Vader could not...You will rule all the the new Emperor...but beware... she is not who you think she is"

"Who is she?" Kylo asked.

"She is my very own granddaughter...the spawn, the seed, of me..."

Kylo jolted back...

"Your granddaughter?"

"Does that frighten you?" The Emperor laughed.

"Nothing frightens me." Kylo insisted, and Palpatine grinned...

"Gooood. Then you will have no trouble...destroying her"

"No. I will have no trouble destroying her"


Later, when Kylo finally returned to the Flagship Supremacy, he went directly to his chambers. All of this new information was a lot to process, and before he made any big moves, he needed a moment just to be alone.

He needed a moment just to think.

He went to examine the remains of his own Grandfather, Darth Vader's helmet...

The same degree of separation between Vader and himself was the same as the distance between Palpatine and Rey.
This, he never would have guessed. But it made sense: Rey's intensity, her drive, her pull to the Dark Side... he could feel it when she was on Ach-To, and he could feel it now...

He could see her, running through a forest of trees, training. He couldn't place where, but he could feel her ambition, her frustration, her sweat...

As he watched her, felt her training, Kylo couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was when she was this determined...when she was this focused... his face flushed.

And then suddenly, he saw flashes of her of her childhood...her whole life...her eyes, her hair... Jakku...

Rey in moments of joy, Rey in moments of fear, Rey in moments of loneliness, Rey in moments of that moment, it seemed Kylo saw everything that made her, her. Nothing to do with Palpatine, nothing comprehensible to do with her parents... mostly just those random, mundane moments of joy you don't even realize are happy until they're long gone....

And Kylo couldn't help but feel...almost endeared? It was as if Rey was sitting beside him, sharing her most intimate childhood photos with him, and laughing... smiling...

Then, Rey's eyes widened, as if she saw Kylo looking, felt Kylo feeling...and it all came to a sudden stop.

Kylo paused for a moment, and shook whatever that uncanny feeling was that he'd been having off...

I am going to kill her, he thought.

Out of sheer curiosity, Kylo tried to focus in the same way he had with Rey on General Hux—but the moment he did, he immediately regretted the quick flashes of what he saw—or rather, felt. It was hot, it was tense, and it immediately made Kylo feel almost as if he couldn't breathe...

Kylo's face flushed again, but for a different reason this time.

No, now was not a good time to be focusing in on Hux.... Not a good time at all.

Kylo decided right then not to give the Rey thing too much thought— he knew what be wanted, and he knew what he was going to do! He was Kylo Ren, after all....

It was time to let his people know exactly what was going to be happening from here on out:

The Final Order was approaching, and there was nothing that the Resistance could do to stop it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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