Musa M Khan

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Meerab had always been a fighter. When Meesam was born, she had her studies, job, and Meesam, all three to take care of, and with that, she had the financial burden and emotional turmoil of being alone.
But in the last three years, the dynamics of her life have changed completely. She's not alone! She has her family, always around to support her. Especially Murtasim, he takes so much care of her that she sometimes wonders if those few years of separation ever came into their lives.

8 months ago:

Murtasim had been growing increasingly worried about Meerub's health. Her once vibrant energy seemed drained, and the sparkle in her eyes had dimmed. As a lawyer, Meerub juggled a demanding career, and her days were filled with the complexities of the legal world. However, lately, even the routine tasks have become a challenge for her, especially with Meesam.

Every morning, Murtasim observed Meerub dragging herself out of bed, weariness etched on her face. The glow that usually accompanied her confidence was replaced by a subtle pallor. Murtasim, couldn't bear to see her like this. The worry lines on his forehead deepened as he watched her struggle through her daily routine.

One evening, as they sat together in their cosy living room, Murtasim decided to address the issue.
"Meerub, is everything okay? You seem exhausted, and I've noticed you're not yourself lately," he said gently, concerned evident in his eyes.

Meerub sighed, realizing she could no longer conceal her feelings. "I don't know, Murtasim. I've been feeling so weak and tired. Work has become a challenge, and even answering Meesam's cheerful questions becomes overwhelming at times."

Murtasim listened attentively, his worry escalating. He couldn't stand to see his wife in distress. Taking her in his arms he kissed her head, and suggested, "Maybe it's time for a check-up, Meerub. We can't ignore your health, especially with your work and Meesam's responsibility."

Reluctantly, Meerub agreed, and they scheduled a doctor's appointment for the following week. Murtasim was very anxious and worried, while they waited for the doctor's appointment, he couldn't shake off the nagging concern. What if it was something serious?

The day of the appointment arrived, and they sat outside the doctor's office, anxiously awaiting their turn, Murtasim looked paler than Meerub with worry, Meerub rubbed his back and linked her arm with his consoling, "Relax Murtasim, you are scaring the hell out of me."

"No No, I am not worried, kuch nahi ho ga, Insha'Allah," He reassured her, to which Meerub smiled and kissed his arm.

Meerub knows that he's not good at handling hospitals and sickness, so he completely loses it and worries so much, that then Meerub comforts him in return to calm him down.

"Mrs. Meerub Khan?" the Nurse came out and called out their name.

"That's us!" Murtasim immediately got up, holding Meerub's hand, and walked towards the doctor's room.

They entered the room and saw a middle-aged woman sitting behind the table, Dr. Tabassum Mughal, a very renowned Gynecologist at Agha Khan Hospital – Karachi. (Murtasim insisted that they visit Karachi for the doctor's visit).

"Jee Meerub, what brings you here?" the doctor asked Meerub once she was seated on the stool next to her.
Muratsim saw them from across the table, and before Meerub could answer, he replied, "Doctor, she's feeling very weak and lethargic, she is sleeping more than usual and is not even eating properly."

Doctor turned towards Murtasim, and smiled, "Can your wife talk to me?"

Murtasim realized and pressed his lips, indicating that he would stay quiet now.

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