Muratim & Parenthood

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It took them two days to wrap up everything in the apartment and hand over the keys. Meerub went with Murtasim to resign from her job and met her Boss, he was surprised as he recognized Murtasim and later understood everything. Murtasim left Meerub at her office and decided to spend that time with Meesam alone.

He took Meesam to the park, providing his wife with the time she needed to bid her goodbyes at the office.

The day was bright and sunny, with a gentle breeze rustling through the leaves of the tall trees that bordered the park. He made sure that Meesam was wearing her hoodie so that she wouldn't catch a cold.

Meesam's small hand was securely held in her father's, her tiny fingers wrapped around his thumb. Her big, curious eyes were wide with excitement as they approached the park, taking in the colourful playground equipment, the inviting swings swaying gently in the breeze, and the sandbox where other children were building sandcastles.

"Baba, look!" Meesam exclaimed; her voice filled with enthusiasm as she pointed toward the swings.

Murtasim grinned down at his daughter, his heart swelling with love. "Of course, sweetheart. We can go on the swings. But first, let's explore a bit."

They began to wander along the park's winding paths, Meesam's eager steps keeping her father on his toes. Nearby, the laughter of children playing tag and the joyful shouts of those on the playground filled the air. Meesam couldn't resist the pull of the lively atmosphere, tugging on her father's hand with wide, pleading eyes.

"Baba, can I play too?" she asked, her excitement bubbling over. Murtasim nodded with a warm smile, but he was not an expert at handling her alone. Meerub was always with him when they used to go anywhere with Meesam, and he would be excited and overjoyed but the responsibility seemed a bit lesser.

Now, since he was alone with her, he was confused and scared that she must not get hurt and whether it was the right decision to let her play with random kids in the park.

He kept a very close eye on Meesam, and when he realized that the kids around her were being too naughty, he went up to Meesam and asked her to leave. But Meesam, who is usually surrounded by adults, was very happy being in kids' company and refused to listen to her Baba.

Murtasim didn't know how to handle the situation, he couldn't risk Meesam being around such naughty kids (according to his knowledge) and he didn't know how to convince Meesam when just like her mother she stubbornly said "NO".

He thought about calling Meerub for help and then thought that she would think of him as a looser father for not being able to handle his daughter on his own. He went up to Meesam and took hold of her hand and told her "Enough Meesam, we are going from here."

She wanted to protest, but seeing her father in a different mood she started walking with him. Murtasim was glad that his strategy worked and that she was coming with him, but his peace went down the drain as he turned his head and saw Meesam.

Murtasim's heart sank as he saw Meesam's lower lip quiver, and her eyes filled with tears. He hated seeing his daughter upset, but he couldn't compromise her safety. He knelt to her level, his voice gentle and reassuring.

"Sweetie, I know you want to play with the other kids, but it's not safe right now," he explained, brushing a tear from her cheek. "We'll come back another time, and you can play as much as you want, okay?"

Meesam's crying intensified, and she sniffled, "But Baba, I want to play now. They're my friends!"

Murtasim's heart ached at her words. He wanted to make her happy but also wanted to ensure her safety. He decided to compromise. "Alright, how about we go to the other end of the park, and you can play with me until Mama is done at the office? Then we can go pick Mama and eat ice cream."

Meesam's tears slowly subsided, and she nodded, her trust in her father helping her understand the situation better. Murtasim lifted her into his arms and walked towards a quieter area of the park, away from the rowdy children. He found a peaceful spot with swings where Meesam could explore and play with some fallen leaves and twigs, her little face lighting up as she engaged in her imaginative world.

As promised, Murtasim played with her daughter, pretending to be the Soldier who was coming to help Meesam the trapped prince. Parenthood was a learning experience, and though he had faced challenges today, he was determined to ensure that Meesam was safe while also allowing her to enjoy herself.

Meesam was enjoying herself, laughing and giggling with him, and playing around in a park like was a new and exciting experience for him, and tiring too. His phone buzzed, Meerub was calling, telling him that she was done, and he could pick her up.

As he picked up Meerub, Meesam was all excited to tell her about her trip to the park with Baba, and while telling her all about it, she suddenly again remembered that Baba snatched her away from her friends.

She turned to Murtasim and said "Gande Baba" and turned her face, wrapped her arms (exactly like Meerub) and sat back in her car.

Murtasim looked at Meerub helplessly, asking with eyes, what should he do?

Meerub couldn't control her laughter, she squeezed his hand lovingly, reassuring him that it was no big deal.

Murtasim looked at Meesam in the rear-view mirror and reminded her,

"Remember Meesam, baba promised that he would take you for ice cream after we pick up Mama."

Her eyes sparkled at the mention of ice cream and within seconds she forgot about her anger at him. She leans forward, almost standing on his shoulder from the back and starts shouting in his ears,

"Yas Baba, ice-cream ice-cream, Meesam wants ice-cream."

Murtasim started laughing too and took the car to the ice cream parlour where Meerub and Meesam enjoyed ice cream while Murtasim had his coffee.

A small update to show how the relationship is building between Meesam and Murtasim.
We have yet to take care of Murtasim's promise to fulfil Meerub's conditions...

So stay tuned ❤️❤️

Thanks for ur encouragement

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