Date Night

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It was their last night in Islamabad, they had their flight booked for the next day. Meerub had wrapped up almost everything that she came for, and she was amazed at how light and satiated she felt. They were sitting in their hotel suite, Meerub and Murtasim on the couch having tea while Meesam was busy making a drawing with her new drawing pad and colours.

Murtasim: (taking Meerub's hand) "Meerub, don't take me wrong."

Meerub looked at him with questioning eyes,

"Murtasim continued, 'I love having Meesam around and our family time, but I want to spend some time alone with you, just you and me.'"

Meerub blushed and looked down, she turned red whenever Murtasim said something romantic or suggestive to her. She doesn't even look in his eyes in these times, she feel shy and for Murtasim this was all very new and exciting.

His Meerub, who was always ready to challenge him, argue with him, and keep him at a distance, was now blushing at their closeness.

She leaned back on the sofa, with a sheepish smile looked at him and said, "Hmmmmm, tau kya chahte hain aap."

Muratsim, (intertwining their fingers) said, "I want to take you out for dinner, here, in Islamabad, Phew but that's not possible, so it's okay, I will wait till we get a chance to have you all to myself, Until then... it is me you and our baby."

Meerub just smiled, but it seemed like she was making some plan in her mind.


Murtasim had been busy on the phone since evening, he was taking care of some issue. Meerub disappeared into the small room with Meesam an hour ago, it seemed like they both were taking a nap.

At around 7:00 pm the suite bell rang, Murtasim went to the door to open it, and to his surprise, there was Naseema Apa (Meesam's nanny) standing at the door.

Murtasim; "Salam, aap yahan?"

Naseema Apa: "Jee, Meerub Bibi ne bulaya hai"

Murtasim, a little confused, called her inside and made her sit on the sofa while going to the room to call Meerub. He knocked at the door and waited for Meerub to open it, but when she didn't open it, he thought maybe she was asleep and opened the door himself.

As he entered the room, he got glued to his spot, his eyes transfixed at the vision in red in front of him. There seated at the stool in front of the dressing table was Meerub, dressed in a red woolen dress, brushing her hair, as if giving it the last touch. She was wearing perfectly done make-up with smokey eyes and red lip colour.

He couldn't say a word, and just kept looking at Meerub, she looked back at him in the mirror, their eyes locked with each other. As Murtasim opened his mouth to say something, Meerub put her finger on her lips and signalled "Hushhhh", pointing towards the bed where Meesam was asleep.

Murtasim continued to approach Meerub, his heart pounding with a mix of surprise and excitement. He couldn't take his eyes off her as she sat there, looking stunning in her red dress and perfect makeup.

He finally reached her, and without saying a word, he gently cupped her face in his hands and leaned in to kiss her forehead.

Meerub took a bold step and seductively took her lips near his ear and said in a husky tone, "Our table is booked for 8:00 pm and you have exactly 15 minutes to get ready."

Murtasim: With a surprised look. "Are you inviting me for a date Meerub?"

Meerub: locking his gaze, with a sultry look replied, "I am!"

Murtasim suddenly encircled her waist pulled her towards him and kissed her on the cheek lingeringly.

Meerub smiled and gently pushed him, implying that he should get ready quickly. "I thought we could have a special evening, just you and me like you wanted."

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