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3 years Later

WAITING AREA (Outside Maternity Ward)

The sterile, fluorescent-lit waiting area is filled with an air of anticipation. Murtasim paces, glancing at the clock every few seconds. His hands are tightly clasped, and worry lines crease his forehead. Anila, his mother-in-law, sits nearby, reading the Qur'an and making Dua's.

(Anila, Meerab's mother has returned from Canada after getting to know that Meerab is back and for the last 2 years has been living in the Haveli with Meerub, but occasionally also stays at their old Karachi house, which Meerub and Murtasim also use when they have work in Karachi.)

Murtasim replies to her, "I can't, Chachi. I just can't sit still. What's taking so long?"

Anila smiled at him, and said, "These things take time, beta. Meerub will be just fine." although she herself was on the verge of tears with anxiety for her daughters.

Murtasim nods, but his eyes betray his anxiety. The door to the maternity ward swings open, and a nurse emerges, holding a clipboard.

NURSE: "Murtasim Khan?"

Murtasim rushes to the nurse, his heart pounding.

MURTASIM: "(voice trembling) That's me, how is she? Is everything okay?

NURSE: (smiling), "Yes everything is okay, but your wife is calling you inside,"

Murtasim was shocked, he didn't understand, but all he knew was that his Meerub wanted him beside her.

He looked back at Anila; she smiled assuring him that it would be alright.

He turned and walked with the Nurse towards the maternity OT, where his wife was fighting her life to bring their baby into the world.

As he entered the labour room, it was dimly lit, with the rhythmic beeping of the fetal monitor echoing through the space. Murtasim was given a gown, cap and shoe cover to enter the room, which he was wearing.

He saw Meerub on the table, all sweaty and in a lot of pain, her legs were apart on the delivery chair, covered by a sheet, two nurses were standing beside her and one female young doctor (looked like a trainee assistant), however, Meerub's gynaecologist was right beside her. As soon Meerub saw him, she held her hand out for him to come near and hold her. He rushed towards her and immediately took her hand in his and kissed her forehead.

"It's okay baby, I am right here," no matter how anxious and scared he was from inside, he did not show it to her.

A little while later, Murtasim stands by Meerub's side, with nervous expressions. Meerub grips his hand tightly during a contraction. The air is charged with anticipation, and the room is filled with a mix of medical equipment and the soothing hum of the delivery room staff.

"It hurts, Murtasim, I can't do it anymore," (grimacing) Meerub almost crushed his arm.

Murtasim gently strokes her forehead, beads of sweat forming on his own. He tries to conceal his anxiety with a reassuring smile.

"You're doing great, Meerub. Just breathe through it. The doctor said it's a normal part of the process."

The medical team moves with purpose around them, the atmosphere tense yet controlled. The doctor offers encouraging words, guiding Meerub through each contraction.

The doctor smiled at them assuring, "You're almost there, Meerub. Just a few more pushes."

Meerub nods, determination in her eyes. Murtasim stands by her side, offering words of encouragement and support. As Meerub pushes through the pain, Murtasim whispers words of love and motivation, his eyes fixed on her face.

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