Passionate Night

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Murtasim and Meerab after enjoying the lovely dinner together, savoring their alone time away from the responsibility, returned to the suite. Murtasim's arm around Meerub's waist, it was impossible for him to keep his hands off her. As they exited the elevator and started walking towards their Suite, Murtasim whispered near Meerub's ear, "Thank you baby for such a splendid night".

Meerub blushed with his nearness, and smiled and in a very low voice, almost hoarse with emotions said, "I had a great time Murtasim, thank you for coming."

"Mmmm, I would like to thank you in a very special way in our bedroom," Murtasim squeezed her waist, and kissed her cheek. Meerab couldn't look at him in return, but turned turnip red. This flirty side of Murtasim was too much to handle, but she felt butterflies of excitement in her tummy.

They quietly opened the door to their hotel suite, expecting Meesam to be asleep. However, to their surprise, they found Meesam sitting on the couch, wide awake, her big, curious eyes shining in the dimly lit room next to Naseema Apa. She was clutching her favorite stuffed bunny, and her face lit up when she saw her parents return.

Murtasim and Meerab exchanged puzzled glances but couldn't help but smile at the adorable sight of their daughter. They had left instructions for Naseema Apa to put Meesam to bed at her usual bedtime, but it seemed that their spirited little girl had other plans for the night.

Naseema Apa, who was sitting in a chair nearby, looked slightly flustered but reassured the couple, "I'm so sorry, I tried to put her to sleep, but she just didn't want to. She kept asking for both of you. I didn't want to disturb you, so I thought I'd give her a little extra time before trying again."

Meesam ran towards them, and Murtasim and Meerab couldn't resist her sweet gesture. Murtasim immediately picked her up in his arm and kissed her cheeks. It was an unexpected turn of events, but he accepted it with more love filled in his heart for his daughter. With Meesam in his arms, he walked towards their room, while Meerab took care of Naseema Apa, who was picking up her things to leave.

Meerab entered the room and saw Meesam and Murtasim, they sat together in the soft glow of the room's lamplight, sharing stories and laughter, and Meesam excitedly was telling him about the things she did with Naseema Apa. It was a different kind of bonding experience; she felt her heart swelling up at the sight and her eyes becoming misty.

Murtasim looked at her and she smiled,

Meerab: "While you are with her, I will go and change."

Murtasim locked his eyes with hers and shook his head in a "NO", Meerub blushed but complied and got into the bed with them.

Eventually, Meesam began to yawn, and her eyelids grew heavy. Murtasim gently picked her up and took her to the adjoining room, singing a soothing lullaby that soon had her drifting off into a peaceful slumber. With Meesam finally asleep, Murtasim came back into the room, Meerab was standing at the window with her back towards him.

He slowly walked to her and wrapped his arms around her waist from the back, placing his chin on her shoulder.

Murtasim: "Hey"

Meerab: Replied with a smile, "Hey"

As Murtasim stood behind Meerab, their embrace became even more intimate. He nuzzled her neck, planting soft kisses along her shoulder, sending shivers down her spine. Meerab closed her eyes, savoring the feeling of his warm breath against her skin.

Murtasim: "I missed you," he whispered, his voice filled with a deep longing.

Meerab without turning, leaned in him and said, "I missed you too,"

He slowly turned around her in his arms, and lifted her chin to look into her eyes, she shyly looked in his eyes.

"I love you, Meerub." Her eyes meeting his with a mix of desire and affection. She ran her fingers through his hair and traced his jawline with her delicate touch. "I love you too," she replied, her voice a gentle purr.

He bent his head to lean into a kiss. Their lips met in a passionate kiss, their connection reigniting with a fiery intensity. It was as if the room itself disappeared, leaving only the two of them and their profound desire for each other. The world outside faded away, and they were completely enveloped in their love.

Keeping his lips engaged in a deep kiss, he gently pulled the neckline of her dress off her shoulder and started placing trails of kisses on her neck and shoulder, while his hand crept up to hold her breast. As his hand grabbed the breast, a groan escaped Meerub's mouth and in a flick of a second, he lifted the hem of the dress and pulled it off her, leaving her just in her lacy bra and panty.

Murtasim holds his breath at the vision in front of him. Meerub, clad in red matching lace panty and bra, her skin shining like cream, her hair devilishly scattered around her face, her eyes dark with desire and her color heightened to scarlet red. He couldn't take it anymore and gently lifted her into his arms, carrying her to the bed. He laid her down with utmost tenderness and pushed her back such that she laid diagonally across the bed. His jacket was already discarded, and he was wearing white shirt with top two buttons undone. He came on top of her and capture her lips in another passionate kiss. She, shyly started to unbutton his shirt and pushed it back his shoulders to expose his hard muscled stomach.

As she tried to touch his body, Murtasim broke from the kiss, and held both her hands and said, "Let me thank you for everything Meerub." She looked at him quizzically and without any warning he goes down on her to please her.

Her eyes widened when touching her panty he asked, "Can I take these off," he asked in a huskily deep voice against her, submerged in need.

Caught in desire unknown to herself, she just nodded. He went down on her asking,

"Do you like this, Meerab?" he raised his heads to ask her,

Meerub's eyes closed and her body totally not in her control just purred, her entire body too flushed, but a moan escaped her as she touched her ecstasy, and she could just utter his name


He collected her in a hug, letting her calm from the ecstasy of orgasm. As Meerab gained her conscious back, she turned towards him in his arms, cup his face and voluntarily leansed in to Kiss him.

It was a kiss full of passion, ignited in her, a thank you for her first orgasm and a promise to be with him forever.

He got out of bed and started taking off his clothes and got back to her and continued the kiss.

Her alluring doe eyes locked onto him, intoxicated at the sight of her, ready for his own release. He came to rest his weight of his elbows, supporting his upper body as he kissed her. Deeply, time slowing as he caressed her mouth with his, he positioned himself between her legs.

'I want you to look at me,' he requested, needed her to remember this moment in her mind as their love making and pleasure forever.

Her eyes locked with his full of love and passion.

After the storm of passion died down a little, he slowly rolled out of her and laid on the bed with a crazy whimpering heartbeat.

As they lay side by side, Meerab's head on his arm, he turned his head and kissed the side of her head.

Meerub snuggles more into him and said, "I love you" almost drifting off to sleep.

I love you too Meerab, he pulled the blanket over them and took Meerab in his complete embrace.

Meerab was peacefully sleeping in his arms, while he was awake, inhaling her scent, feeling her warmth against his body. Lost In his thoughts, he still feel like this is all a dream, Meerub so willingly in his arms, he can feel her breathing, he can smell her fragrance, and he can touch her whenever he wants to.

The night passed in a beautiful and passionate symphony of love, reuniting them in a way that only deepened their affection and strengthened their connection, and finally Murtasim drifted off into deep slumber too.

- ———- ———

This is my first attempt to write smut 🫣
Hope it's doing justice to what kind of relation I want my Meerasim to have

TereBin 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora