The Realisation

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Muratsim was so engrossed in his lovemaking thoughts that he didn't realize Meerub was asking him something,

Murtasim: "Haan, what? Kya keh rahee thee?"

Meerub: I was saying that that we should go inside, it's time for Meesam to wake up from her nap.

Murtasim reluctantly untangled himself and got up saying, "yes you go ahead I will come in a while".

He walked towards the garden for a stroll. He needed some time to calm his urge to have Meerub all to himself. Devour all the walls between them and claim her body completely.

After a while they were all called for dinner and Murtasim and Meerub sat with Meesam between them entertaining everyone with her chatter. She had accepted Murtasim as her Baba, maybe because Murtasim had made a lot of effort to give her that comfort. Also, since Murtasim slept in the same room, Meesam had started to accept him as their family.

The next morning Murtasim received a call from the Village (Gao) to come for some urgent matter to settle. He decided to leave before breakfast so that he reach Gao early. As he was leaving the room, Meerub woke up, may be because of the noise in the room (although Murtasim was trying to be as quiet as he can), she saw Murtasim all dressed so early in the morning, his Kurta Shalwar with Shawl reminded Meerub of his attire mostly for times when he must step into his Feudal Lord role. She looked at him smiling but with question in her eyes, he walked slowly back to her bed side and in a very hushed tone tell her,

"I have go to GAO, and I m not sure if I will be back by night or stay for a few days. My cell phone will be open unless I am in the fields where there are  no signals. If u need anything or reach me, you can leave a message at the Haveli, and they will contact me". Meerub nodded and smile.

Murtasim leaned across her and left a small kiss on Meesam's cheek, while doing so he almost was over Meerub, and he could feel that Meerub's breathing had become a little more rapid. He straightened up and with a very purposeful look at Meerub locking his eyes with hers, leaned again and kissed Meerub on her cheek too, this was not a light peck that he left on her head the morning of her return, this was a more lingering and a sensual kiss.

Meerub turned red, her chest heaving heavily, and she kept looking at Murtasim, but she did not push him away.

Murtasim: "I will Miss you".

Meerub just kept staring at him, he straightened up and left the room with a smile on his lips. She kept looking at him with her heart beating so fast that it might break the rib cage and come out. She was glad that she was alone in the room, and no one could see her.

She got back on her pillow and stared at the roof and started to think about her last 10 days. It was like falling in love all over again with Murtasim.

She never stopped loving him, even when she left the house, it was because of the hurt of thinking Murtasim with Haya, but, even at that time her love for Murtasim was intense and maybe that's why the hurt was so intense too. And after having Meesam, she used to talk to Murtasim in head every moment of the day, sharing with him her anger, her tensions, her sadness, it was like she was practically living with him.

But, having him around physically was sensual. Before leaving four years ago, she and Murtasim did not have any physical relation, and the night they broke the barrier, she left the house. Since then, there had been no physical intimacy for Meerub or Murtasim, but now she was feeling the tug towards him. Every fiber of her being felt him around her, his gentle touch while interacting  or while being with Meesam feels good to her. waking up to see his head on the pillow beside her, ignites some unknown spark in her.

She found herself lost in a whirlwind of emotions she haven't experienced in years. The kiss on her cheek, the lingering touch, the way Murtasim looked at her - it had all stirred something deep within her, something she had suppressed for so long.

As the sun rised that day, Meerub found herself gazing out of the window, lost in thought. Meesam was tucked in bed, and the Haveli was quiet. Her mind replayed every interaction with Murtasim over the past few days, the stolen glances, the accidental touches, and that electrifying kiss. She was torn between the fear of opening her heart again and the desire to embrace the feelings that had rekindled between them.

Soft buzz of the mobile, startled her from her reverie. It was Saba, her friend and confidante, who had known her feelings for Murtasim even when Meerub herself was trying to bury them.

Saba: "You sound lost Meerub, Is everything alright?"

Meerub offered a faint smile, not wanting to reveal the depth of her turmoil.

Meerub: "Yes, Saba, everything's fine. Just
thinking about everything that's happened lately."

Saba's sighed with understanding. She had always supported Meerub, even during her time away from the Haveli.

Saba: "Meerub, you can't deny what's happening between you and Murtasim."

Meerub's cheeks turned a shade deeper as she recalled the kiss and his intense gaze. Saba's words were like a mirror, reflecting her own feelings back at her.

Saba: "You deserve happiness, Meerub. You've been through so much. Don't be afraid to take a chance on love again."

Meerub sighed, realizing that Saba was right. She couldn't keep denying her own emotions. Murtasim's presence had brought her face to face with the fact that she still cared for him deeply, and perhaps those feelings were reciprocated.

But how will she bridge the gap, how can she take the first step, what should she do to let Murtasim know that she love him. And what about her career, there are so many un discussed things between them, too many how's and what,

To be continued....

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