A Passionate Kiss !!

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They came to the village to stay for just a day or two, but 5 days had already passed and Murtasim did not seem in the mood to return. Every morning Murtasim would have breakfast with Meerub alone cause Meesam would be sleeping at that hour, he would then leave for his work. While he's gone, Meerub, somehow automatically started to have women visiting her in the morning bringing their problems. Meerub, now being a lawyer, and that too a social issues lawyer, was able to help them with their issues more fervently.

Early evening Murtasim will come back and take Meerub and Meesam out for exploration, sometimes fields, someday riverbank and sometimes they would just spend the evening in their own garden.

Together they would have dinner and then put Meesam to bed and then either watch TV together or just curl up near the fireplace in the lounge, Murtasim doing his work and Meerub reading a book.

Murtasim found himself opening up to Meerub, about his work, the challenges he faced, and the pressure he felt to uphold his family's legacy. Meerub listened with empathy and understanding, offering words of encouragement and support.

The awkwardness between them was ebbing down, Murtasim would not hesitate to touch Meerub causally while talking or walking together. Occasionally he would drop a kiss on her forehead or hand or cheek and she would not object. But the electrifying tension, physical attraction on both sides was undeniable. Every touch, every soft word would create a storm within Meerub, and Murtasim, all he wanted was to absorb Meerub into himself.

One evening, as the sun set behind the village, casting a warm glow over everything, Murtasim sat with Meerub by the river. Meesam was playing nearby, her laughter ringing through the air. Murtasim turned to Meerub and said, "You know, I've been thinking, spending time with you and Meesam has reminded me of the simple joys that I've been missing out."

Meerub smiled "Murtasim, life isn't just about accomplishments and success. It's about cherishing the moments we have with the people we love. We can find happiness in the smallest of things."

Murtasim nodded, a sense of realization dawning upon him. "You're right, Meerub. I want to make more time for us, for our family. I don't want to miss out on Meesam's childhood, and I don't want to miss out on the joy of being with you."

Meerub started to look at the horizon, "Murtasim, main bhi ye he chahti hoon ke Meesam ko aik complete family doon."

Murtasim took Meerub's hand and said in a very husky tone, "Meerub, look at us, we are a perfect family."

Meerub sighs, "Murtasim, I ...."

Murtasim squeezed her hand as if trying to comfort her to continue,

Meerub tried again, "Muratsim, I ... "

Murtasim: "Meerub, you can tell me anything."

Just then Meesam came running to them, "Baba and Mama, I want to take that boat ride."

Murtasim chuckled, his eyes twinkling as he looked at Meesam's eager expression. "Well, how could we resist such a request?" he said, standing up and lifting Meesam onto his shoulders.

Meerub smiled warmly, her heart swelling with affection as she watched the two of them. Murtasim's willingness to engage with Meesam and be present in her life brought a newfound happiness to her.

As they walked to the local boat rental stand. Murtasim set Meesam down, and she practically bounced with excitement.

"Can we really go on a boat, Baba?"

Murtasim ruffled her hair playfully. "Of course, sweetheart. Let's go."

The boat ride was a simple one, yet it carried with it a sense of unity and togetherness that had been missing for years. Meesam squealed with delight as they gently glided along the calm river. Meerub and Murtasim shared quiet smiles, the unspoken understanding between them growing stronger with each passing moment.

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