Getting Closer !

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Murtasim was left feeling confused and hurt by Meerub's reaction. He couldn't understand why she seemed upset when he was just trying to help and provide her some comfort during the night. He felt guilty for intruding on her space and assumed that she didn't like him sleeping on the bed with Meesam.

As Meerub retreated to the washroom, Murtasim decided to give her some space to collect her thoughts. He didn't want to add to the tension by pushing for an explanation right away. He knew that they needed to talk about it eventually, but he wanted to approach the conversation in a more considerate manner.

Meerub, on the other hand, was not upset about Murtasim sleeping on the bed with Meesam. In fact, she was deeply moved by the sight of them sleeping peacefully together. Her emotions were overwhelming, and she didn't know how to express them properly.

She was grateful to see Murtasim being a caring father to Meesam, and she was also starting to realize how much she missed having him in their lives.

In the washroom, Meerub put Meesam down for a moment and splashed some water on her own face to compose herself. She knew she couldn't keep her feelings bottled up forever, and it was time to have an honest conversation with Murtasim.

She took a deep breath, picked up Meesam, and walked back into the room.

Murtasim saw her return and tried to smile, but he couldn't hide the concern in his eyes. Meerub walked up to him and sat down next to him on the bed, while Meesam walked towards the toys lying on the floor.

Meerub: "Murtasim, I want to talk to you about last night."

Murtasim: "I'm sorry, Meerub. I didn't mean to upset you. I was just trying to help Meesam and be there so that u can sleep peacefully."

Meerub: "No, it's not that, Murtasim. I want you to know that I appreciated your support and care for Meesam. You have a right to be with her, and she has started to like having you around."

Murtasim: "Then why did you seem upset?"

Meerub took a deep breath and looked into his eyes.

Meerub: "It's not about you being with Meesam, it's about You being around us. We have been on our own for so long, it's too much for me to absorb all this."

Murtasim looked down, feeling a weight on his heart.

Murtasim: "I'm sorry, Meerub. I never wanted you to feel that way. I regret not being there for you and Meesam."

Meerub: "I understand that Murtasim. But it was tough for us. And now, seeing you here, being with Meesam, it brings back all those feelings."

Murtasim: "I wish I could change the past, Meerub, but I can't. All I can do is be here now and try to make things right from this point on. I want to be a part of Meesam's life, and I want to be there for you as well, if you'll let me."

Meerub: "I want that too, Murtasim. But I need time to heal and forgive. It won't be easy, but I'm willing to try if you are."

Murtasim: "I am. I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust and be a good father to Meesam."

Meerub: "Let's take it one step at a time then. For now, let's focus on Meesam and make sure she feels loved and supported."

Murtasim nodded, feeling relieved that Meerub was willing to give him another chance. They both knew that rebuilding their relationship wouldn't be easy, but they were willing to try for the sake of Meesam.

In the days that followed, Meerub slowly started to reconnect with her family members, including Maa Begum and Anwar chacha. Though it wasn't always easy, they were patient, realizing that their actions had consequences. Meesam brought a new light and hope to the Khan family, healing old wounds and bridging the gaps that had separated them.

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