41 | Christmas Day.

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Eren's POV:

After waking from the crazy party the night before, Eren's eyes adjusted to the room as he glanced over to the wireless charger stand where his phone was propped up. The time read 7:22 am. He blinked briefly before shifting in bed, realizing he was in Kiaran's guest room. He yawned heavily, scratching his head as he could hear the snoring of the others crowded in the room spread out.

Jean and Connie were crowded, sleeping on an air mattress that was pushed into the corner of the room.

Reiner on the floor with a few spread-out blankets and pillows to make a somewhat comfortable bed.

Then Armin rested on the far end of the bed, probably just in case he needed help in the middle of the night.

Oh, that's right—the snow picked up. The realization of them being stuck here all night settled in, but surely the roads would have been cleared up enough to where they could leave.

Shifting out of bed, Eren took the opportunity to try and walk as he was glad he could finally move somewhat without crutches but, of course, would need them eventually.

Quietly making his way out of the bedroom, his eyes scanned for Kiaran's room, wondering if she was up. At the end of the hall was the master bedroom, and he began approaching it.

Approaching the door, he peeked inside, but she wasn't in bed. But a few of the girls, Ymir, Historia, and Yelena, were all still asleep, snuggled up on what appeared to be another air mattress. While Sasha, Annie, and Mikasa took up Kiaran's California-sized bed.

He scratched the top of his head before hearing humming downstairs, followed by the warm scent of waffles being made. Attempting to make his way downstairs, trying not to wake the others, he was greeted by her father and uncles, who were up covered in snow as it was melting from the top of their heads. They looked like they had just come back in. "Good morning, sirs—I take it you just came back inside?" Eren asked.

Erwin nodded, shaking out his coat. "Was shoveling the driveway so you all can get out. The roads have been cleared," he said.

Nile, who emerged from the kitchen, had a waffle in his hand. "We should probably get going soon. Kiaran is cooking up a breakfast storm," he said.

"Uncle, grab a plate!!"

Eren turned and saw Kiaran dressed in an apron that read: "Kiss, Mrs. Clause," as it had splatters of waffle batter and eggs on it.

He chuckled, making his way over to her, noticing the small streak of batter on her face, and leaned in to wipe it away with his thumb. "You're up early," Eren said.

Kiaran sighed heavily, staring her uncle down as he had stolen one of the waffles. "I thought I might as well make breakfast since we were trapped inside. Besides—I won't see you guys again for a while after this anyways," she said, dissatisfied.

Eren ran his fingers through her hair, comforting her as surely now this was a great time for him to come around, including since she had the guest room. "Don't look so gloomy—I plan to visit a lot more," he said.

"Promise?..." Kiaran looked up at him as her eyes pouted to him.

He blushed red before pulling her in by the waist. "I promise," Eren said.

"Aw—well, don't make it a habit," Nile said, his eyes burning onto him.

Eren nodded, trying to avoid his glare, as the three were once again getting ready to head out. They were all bundled up and headed to the door as Kiaran soon pulled away, running over to hug them all. Her family was really important to her, and he was grateful she had them back in her life. Thinking about what her father had told him the night before: "I trust you with my daughter's safety and well-being, Eren. Don't break her heart."

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