01 | The Party.

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Kiaran's POV:

The block was crowded with cars, and it was somewhat difficult to find a parking spot, but as Kiaran looked around, standing in the backseat with her hair blowing in the cool breeze, she could see the frat house all lit up with raving, colorful lights and loud music, mostly DJ stuff. They pulled up on the lawn, as there wasn't anywhere else to park. Getting out of the car, Hanji grabbed onto Kiaran and hooked her arm through hers as she was bouncing with excitement. "This will be so much fun!" she said.

Kiaran looked unsure now as there were many people, and this wasn't the kind of party she was expecting, but she went through with it for Hanji.

As they walked into the room, they were greeted by the DJ, who was playing loud beats and hitting every note perfectly. The room was illuminated with various colors: blues, purples, reds, and greens. Many students were dancing and moving energetically to the music. It was pretty crowded as they made their way through, and Mike put his arm around them to ensure they wouldn't be knocked over.

Reaching a corner where they could move freely, Mike shouted over the music, leaning into the girls. "I'll be back to get you two some drinks! I'll bring back something good," he shouted.

Kiaran nodded in response as she scanned the room, wondering if Levi had come. Part of her wanted him to because perhaps they could talk everything out. She didn't like how things ended, but it was her fault. Pushing all those thoughts away, Hanji soon pulled her in by the waist as Kiaran looked at her as her friend was already getting too lit. "Let's dance! Maybe you'll find someone to take home tonight!" she shouted.

Kiaran smiled as she knew she was right. The song changed to I Kissed A Girl, a mashup version which was perfect. She grabbed Hanji's hand and led her into the crowd as the upbeat song started playing.

Feeling Hanji's hands wrap around her waist, sliding down her skirt as the two swayed to the music and laughed. She glanced at her best friend as the lights illuminated them.

Kiaran felt excited as she led the way to the dance floor, bopping her head to the music and grinding herself against Hanji. She missed this feeling the most: being alive and vibrant in the middle of a party. As they continued to dance, Kiaran wrapped her arms around Hanji's neck and swayed her hips, feeling the beat of the music. "Are you glad you came now?" Hanji asked, holding her close.

Kiaran giggled over the music, leaning her head back as it turned into a sweet laughter. "Yeah, I am," she said.

As the two went ahead into laughter, they danced with one another, more so, Kiaran grinding herself against Hanji like the best friends they were. Soon enough, she felt Mike press up against her back as he towered over her as he had three red cups. "Ladies, I got the goods!" he said, handing them the drinks.

Taking a cup, Kiaran took a sip of hers as it was just what she wanted: a hint of fruit punch with Hennessy mixed into it. "Thanks, Mike!" she shouted.

Mike smiled, his hands firmly pulling her close to him as he began to chug his drink, his eyes lustfully traveling her. "How about you give me a dance, too!" he smirked.

"In a little bit!" Kiaran said, turning back to Hanji as she was going crazy, chugging the absolute fuck out of her drink. "BEST NIGHT EVER!!!" Hanji cheered.

Kiaran couldn't help but laugh as she scanned the crowd; her eyes caught sight of a group of guys watching the three of them.

They were standing in a corner beside the back doors that led out to the pool. The lights were flashing over them while they chatted away and eyed her. There were several boys among them: the first one had light brown hair and seemed to be absolutely loving what he saw. The second one had an undercut and scruffy grey hair and was getting plastered, the third one was a timid-looking blonde who seemed like he didn't belong, the fourth one was an extremely buff-blonde, and then there was the pair of teal green eyes from this morning. He was sipping on a beer bottle, looking wholly wasted, but he still managed to smirk while not breaking eye contact with her, as if he wanted to come over and talk.

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