43 | New Year's Surprise - Part One.

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Eren's POV:

Today was New Year's Day, and the first week of 2024 had been planned. With the help of his friends, Eren gathered everything he needed for his big day. Up and early that morning, he headed to downtown Sina with Armin, Jean, Reiner, and Floch to the Sina Heights Hotel and nightclub.

All the guys loaded in Reiner's RAM with the decorations. Eren was squished between his friends, holding a box of photos as he was hoping everything would go smoothly tonight.

His heart wouldn't stop racing the entire ride as tonight, this place would be bustling with people for the New Year party.

"So—Eren, how are you feeling about tonight?" Jean asked, looking up through the rearview mirror.

Eren sighed, gripping the box on his lap. "Um—nervous? I mean, this is a big deal. I want her to realize just how much I love her. After all, I won't get another chance like this again," he said.

"Well, just remember to keep your cool—don't panic. After all, to confess all over again might be a challenge," Reiner said.

Eren shrank into his seat as even though tonight was the night he would ask her to be with him, somehow it was all nerve-racking. All this time, their few passionate moments really made him want this more than anything. Even though he knew what she felt today would confirm everything.

Arriving at the hotel, the group made their way inside, followed by getting the keycard. They all headed up to the room that was booked for the week as it was time to get working.

As planned out by Eren, the room would be decorated with New Year's colors: White, Black, and Silver. First was getting the pathway ready, the floor scattered with black rose petals leading to the bed as Jean made it to the best of his ability, then the heart on the bed.

Meanwhile, using an automatic air pump, they filled the balloons with air and tied them with strings. When they were done, they were lined on the path. There were also the polaroid photos that were attached to some of the balloons as the room was coming along nicely.

While filling up some of the balloons, there was a knock at the door, which Armin opened. In dragged Connie and Sasha with the dessert box, Eren stood up from his seat, hobbling over to check and make sure they hadn't eaten any of the sweets inside. "You two didn't eat anything, did you?" he asked.

Connie scoffed, looking offended, setting the box on one of the tables. "You think we are that greedy to eat something that's important for your big day?" he said.

"Knowing you two—it's a high possibility," Eren said.

Sasha also looked offended. "That's not fair! We didn't touch it at all," she said.

Eren rolled his eyes before peeking inside the box as it was still intact, a lovely heart-shaped cake with black icing covering it, the lining covered with edible pearls scattered generously. In the center, white letters and edible glitter was: "Will You Be My Girlfriend?"

He sighed out of relief as he was glad they hadn't eaten it. Not even a swipe of the icing was missing. Closing the box back, he went ahead to pay up for the two helping. "Thanks for your help—use that for tonight," Eren said.

Connie and Sasha's eyes lit up, taking the hundred-dollar bills and starting to celebrate. He was grateful to have amazing friends such as them to help out during a time like this.

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