06 | Yelena's Party.

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Kiaran's POV:

Lost in thought, Kiaran dragged herself through the grocery store aisle, pushing a heavy cart, while Hanji was screaming in a separate cart with Mike pushing her.

Being snapped out of her thoughts, she felt her hair whip past her as she noticed the two zooming in the cart. She smiled as she began passing the aisle for coffee and tea. She went to grab the brand that Levi liked. Reaching up, it was a bit too high. Curse my shortness. She sucked her teeth, annoyed as she felt an arm wrap around her as the free arm reached up, grabbing the box. "Surprised you remember which one I like,"

She turned, looking up at Levi, who hovered above her studying the box. He swiftly tossed the box into the cart before kissing her cheek. Her cheeks flushed as she continued pushing the cart with him behind her, his hands brushing against hers as he held the outside of the cart handle. As the music changed over the intercom, she heard a relatively upbeat solo on the drums, which brought a smile to her face. Listening to the lyrics, she realized it was her voice.

Can't count the years on one hand that we've been together
I need the other one to hold you, make you feel, make you feel better

Listening carefully, the sudden spark ran up her spine as she got the slightest glimpse of herself in a checkered red and black dress, chokers and chains, combat heels, holding a guitar, and strumming her heart out with her singing in a microphone, on a summer's day in a old dusty garage surrounded by her friends and one face that was blurred out.


Kiaran was taken off guard as she crashed her cart into the one Mike was pushing. She gasped as she looked to see that Hanji had jolted forward from the crash. "The hell, Kiaran—what are you doing?" Hanji said.

"I—I'm sorry I didn't realize," Kiaran said as her hands began to tremble as she continued listening to the song.

Levi, who noticed, rubbed her hands gently. "Everything okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I just. What's the song playing?"

"You don't remember?" Levi asked.

She shook her head, looking back at him. "No. Not really—I just had a moment, that's all," Kiaran said, rubbing her forehead.

"Still Into You," Mike said, leaning across the cart handle. "It was one of the songs we made into a short album."

"We? What do you mean?" Kiaran questioned.

"I'm surprised you don't remember we were in a band together, babe," Levi said, his eyes saddened.

Kiaran sulked back into his chest, still gripping her head a bit. "Ever since the car accident... I don't remember a lot. Or certain faces," she sighed.

"Don't worry about that right now. You guys ready to check out?" Levi asked.

"Yeah, of course we are!" Hanji said, climbing out of the cart.

Pushing behind her, Levi started to make the cart move, which also forced her to move. The thing remained: she was in a band. It would explain the old guitar in her room, followed by the many different aesthetics.

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