14 | A Night Out - Part Two.

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Kiaran's POV:

"Really—? You want to go there?" Kiaran asked.

It was the weekend as classes were over, and the homework would likely pile up. But after English, Armin approached her, asking if she wanted to hang out at that old megabar, which had a lot of activities.

"I thought maybe you would like to get out of the house and just do something fun—given your loss lately," Armin said sheepishly as the two walked back to her house.

She thought for a moment, as she didn't mind the thought. She would have to make sure to finish her homework tomorrow in time for that fundraiser that was on Sunday. "Sure, why not," Kiaran said, stopping at the foot of her driveway. "Thanks for inviting me—also for walking home with me."

She waved goodbye to Armin as he went ahead home. A night out, huh? Sounds like fun. Maybe Levi would like to go. She thought, reaching to the front door. Surprisingly, it was locked, odd. She knew Levi was home, given his car was in the driveway. As she dug for her keys, the knob suddenly jolted open, and a girl with orange hair greeted her.

She was surprised as she wasn't expecting Levi to have anyone over. "Oh—! Hi, you must be Kiaran," the girl greeted awkwardly. "Wow. You're so much prettier in person."

Kiaran raised a brow before putting her keys back in her pocket. "Um—thank you. Who are you?" she asked.

"Oh, sorry—I'm Petra! We used to go to high school together. Scouting Regiment Club?" she said.

Oh. I had totally forgotten about her since the accident. "It's nice to meet you. Are you—"

"Leaving? Yeah. I had to get some notes from Levi for class. I'll see you around!" Petra said, stepping out to leave.

Maybe it was the fact she didn't remember her, but that first encounter was sort of off. Maybe Petra was just a shy person.

Upon entering the house, Kiaran put her bag down and removed her jacket. The house was quiet, but there was the faint sound of scrubbing, which meant Levi must have been cleaning something as usual. "Babe! I'm home," Kiaran called out, making her way to the stairs.

Climbing the stairwell, she peaked around the hall as his room door was closed along with hers, and then the bathroom light was on. As she checked on him, she spotted him on his hands and knees, hand manually scrubbing the floor with a rag. He had his cleaning gloves on, along with his hair pulled back. Typical Levi. She scoffed before knocking on the door. "Babe—you hear me? I'm home," Kiaran repeated.

As soon as she knocked, Levi turned to her, removing his airpods as he got up from the floor, tossing the rag into the bucket of cleaning supplies. "Oh hey, I didn't hear you come in. How was class?" he asked, walking over and planting a kiss on her forehead.

"It was fine. Just got invited out—do you want to come tonight?" Kiaran asked.

He paused before picking up the bucket to think. "Uh—probably not. I'm going to deep clean the house. Those other two you call roommates are messy as hell, and I can't stand it," Levi said.

Kiaran crossed her arms, giggling a bit. "You should be relaxing. You just got out of the hospital, after all. Come on, babe," she said, taking his hand.

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