05 | Only Love Can Hurt Like This.

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Eren's POV:

With his head held back, propped up on the couch, taking a long inhale of his blunt, Eren opened his eyes, glaring up at the ceiling. His eyes were a bit itchy and watery as they were bloodshot red. Juice Wrld played in the background while waiting for Reiner to walk through those doors.

It was about 9 am when he heard footsteps coming downstairs. Eren felt a bit too high as he felt heavy. His eyes glanced over to see Armin ready to head out. "Eren, what are you doing up so early—" Armin questioned.

"Reiner still isn't back," Eren stated.

"Well—knowing him, he probably got a hotel last night,"


They both heard the door fly open, the heavy footsteps entered as it was Reiner. Eren sat up, sighed, and put his blunt out as he was ready to confront him.

Upon seeing Reiner, Eren was surprised to see his nose bruised and crusted with dried blood. "Fuck happened to you?" Eren questioned.

"No way Kiaran hit you—" Armin said.

"—Hell no. Fucking Levi showed up," Reiner said, cutting him off and wiping his nose.

Eren was shocked as he heard about Levi showing up. He wondered if anything even happened. As he went to the kitchen to grab a washcloth, he was secretly happy he got his stupid nose punched in. Damping the cloth with cold water, he returned to Reiner and handed him the cloth. "So what really happened?" Eren questioned.

Reiner dabbed under his nose, flopping on one of the couches. "I bag the hottie, and I would have loved to get more out of her. But Levi decided he wanted her back at the last minute. He shows up fucking livid and pretty much decks me in the face. Took her away before anything else could happen," he groaned.

"Seriously? That's probably why he was at the party the night before," Armin added.

Eren could only listen as he was on cloud nine from the satisfaction of Reiner getting decked. He wondered if Kiaran was alright and if Reiner had just done the deed or taken advantage of her.

Soon, the other guys began to come downstairs and looked surprised upon seeing Reiner.

Jean, who noticed first, couldn't hold back laughter as he was still waking up. "Dude, no way a girl fucking hit you!"

Reiner scoffed, tossing the bloody towel at him. "As I was telling these two, it was Levi,"

"That makes it even worse!!" Connie said, holding his stomach howling in laughter.

As the others went off into laughter, only pissing Reiner off more, Eren wondered what the next plan of action was as he needed to see if what Reiner was saying was true. If Levi was back with her, he needed proof for himself.

His eyes were still bloodshot but slowly turning pink over time, and he sighed, looking to Reiner. "Hey. Do you even know what happened afterward?" Eren asked.

Reiner shrugged, pulling out his phone. "Nah. She left with Levi, so who knows? But I did get a nice video, guys," he smirked, starting to play it.

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