03 | To Spite Him.

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Kiaran's POV:

Walking into the bar that evening, Kiaran felt annoyed that Hanji had dragged her out again. She already had been fighting with Levi as the two had done so the night before. She didn't feel like being in the house because the four did live together after all, so this was the next best thing.

Eyes were on her as the outfit wasn't helping either. Most of the guys here were seniors from the college, and it annoyed her that they were jocks. "Did I even have to come?" Kiaran mumbled.

Hanji hooked her arm around her waist with a grin. "Of course you did, darling! We have to find you a man~" she teased.

Kiaran sighed as she was led to the bar. It was too crowded, and the air smelled foul, musky college males. There were some girls, but the majority were males, and they reeked of cheap cologne, cigarettes, and booze.

The girls approached some empty stools as a flash of memories raced through Kiaran's head. On instinct, she pulled out a sanitized wet wipe from her purse, handing one to Hanji, who looked at her puzzled. "What's this for?—" she asked.

"You want to sit in a musky seat?" Kiaran said, wiping her seat before hopping up onto the stool.

She remembered how whenever they went out, Levi would do the same thing before they went out anywhere. Just being a gentleman so she wouldn't catch any germs. Once the two sat down, Hanji called out to the bartender. "Hello! Sir, give us a frosted-rim cherry and watermelon martini, please!" she said.

The bartender obliged, getting to work.

Kiaran pulled out her phone, watching the screen light up as some apologetic text messages by the dozen followed a few missed calls from Levi. She knew he wanted to reconcile with her, but—would it be worth it? He was going to graduate.

"Kiaran! Look," Hanji fixated her glasses over at a table in the far back.

Her eyes turned slightly to where she was pointing and widened as it was the same group of guys from the party. She looked back to her phone as this was her time to try and get someone here and not focus so much on Levi.

Once their drinks arrived, Kiaran ran her almond-shaped nails down the stem over her glass, raising it to her lips, letting the sweet, stinging flavor hit her tongue. Whipping her ponytail to the side and letting it run down her back, she felt at ease as a few drinks would do the trick to make sure tonight wasn't a slip-up.

As Hanji elbowed her again, Kiaran glared at her before hearing heavy footsteps. She whipped her head around to see the muscular build of the male before her.

Looking up to meet his gaze, he had a smirk plastered on his face as he confidently turned to the bartender. "Bartender, I'll have whatever this fine lady is having," he said as his eyes flickered back to her. "Hey there, beautiful."

A chill ran down her back, hearing his deep, raspy voice as he was more like a blonde version of The Rock as he looked like he worked out regularly.

Tucking a few strands behind her ear, Kiaran slid her glass across the counter, turning slightly to face him. "Hey there. Can I help you—"

"I couldn't help but notice you from across the room, and you're just rather breathtaking, might I say," he said, his breath a bit heavy as it had the faint smell of marijuana on it.

"Thank you," Kiaran smirked, extending her arm out to run her finger down his muscles, admiring them for a moment as she could see him shiver. Her eyes narrowed, and she looked back at him as her lips curled to a smile. "You're not bad-looking yourself."

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐌𝐄 • 𝖤.𝖩𝖠𝖤𝖦𝖤𝖱  𝖪.𝖲𝖧𝖨𝖭𝖩𝖮Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang