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Eren's POV:

It was a warmth he had been longing for as he could smell the vanilla shea butter essential oils, that sweet, subtle smell of pheromone perfume. Not strong, just enough to tickle his nose even with the mask on.

Opening his eyes, the first thing he saw when he looked over was the tinkling of a diamond. His eyes hazy, he tried to focus as he could feel the cold band of her ring on his rugged hand.

Eren breathed slowly as he realized it was Kiaran. She had come after all. Looking back at the ceiling, he breathed slowly before deciding whether to let her know he was awake or play it off. Her hands were so smooth as expected, soft and delicate. Someone who took much better care of herself nowadays. It made him happy.

Slightly squeezing her hand, he knew he would have to play it off as if he was waking up. He slowly turned his head to face her as she still looked beautiful as ever.

This was the girl he fell in love with from day one. His heart was pounding hard as the two talked for a bit. He still couldn't help but look at the ring on her finger as part of him wanted to ask, but perhaps it was for the best not to. She would probably tell him eventually.

But she only seemed more guilty the more they talked. It broke his heart as she was blaming herself, but he knew he shouldn't have been so stupid as she was right to call him an idiot.

He wanted more than anything to hold her, but that was far from him as he needed to stay put in that bed.

Seeing her tears sent daggers into his heart as he couldn't think of what to say, please. Please don't blame yourself. This isn't your fault, or it was my fault for being an idiot driving in that crazy weather. The only thing he could think of was to say she was too beautiful to cry, which only made her cry more.

The way her light blue eyes reflected in the light, they were so beautiful, just twinkling as her long brunette blonde hair brushed across her face. The way she scrunched her nose as her little freckles wrinkled as well.

Once she apologized again, he knew that she knew this was her fault. Seeing her pull away, he tried to stop her, but she had already hurried out the door. He groaned in annoyance as he wished he could have just moved. "Damnit—" Eren cursed.

"She feels guilty—"

His eyes darted to the voice as he saw Hanji sitting on one of the couches. She seemed relieved that he was okay. He hoped she wasn't too mad about the other day as he shouldn't have let all his anger out on her. "Hanji— I'm sorry about the other day," Eren said apologetically.

"Don't worry about it! I understand why you feel how you feel," Hanji said with a faint smile.

"Is— she going to be okay? I don't want her to feel bad," Eren said, sulking.

"It's all love and war after all— I never seen her like this. The engagement doesn't help either," Hanji said, sitting across from him.

Eren knew that was a hold on her as it probably felt like shackles. Only a cheater would pull off some moves like that. Butter her up to believe he was the perfect man and then trap her, more than likely never telling her the truth and moving forward as if it never happened. "Does— she know about Petra?" he asked.

Hanji shook her head as her facial expression fell. "I don't know what's going on, but— more letters keep coming. Not your typical letters either. Me and Mike don't know what to tell her. We can't even bring ourselves to open them," she said.

Eren sighed softly, looking up at the ceiling as he could hear Kiaran's faint sobs down the hall as everything else on the floor was quiet to him. Closing his eyes, he thought about what her father had told him. He couldn't hold back and wait. It felt like she needed to know at once. "Kiaran deserves much better. I can't stand cheaters—" Eren gritted his teeth.

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐌𝐄 • 𝖤.𝖩𝖠𝖤𝖦𝖤𝖱  𝖪.𝖲𝖧𝖨𝖭𝖩𝖮Where stories live. Discover now