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A/N: An update I managed to pound out after I got off of work today. Please, please, please tell me what you think of the story so far and if you like why/why not. And please vote and follow me. It makes me so unbelievably happy, it's a little sad, lol.

Peace Out, Girl Scouts


When Axel entered the room I didn't look at him.

I didn't know how to feel. I just knew that he'd hurt me. Not because he was angry, but rather because someone told him too. It wasn't his nature...or maybe it was. But he had done what his father had ordered. That made him not only cruel but weak as well. Leave it to me to get a cowardly mate.

Not that he was my mate of course.

He was some wolf. Some stupid, hot-headed, dominate alpha wolf who cared only about himself and his image to his stupidly loyal followers. "Colton, you could look at me." 

His tone was pleading with a sardonic edge in it that I didn't trust. It felt like he knew how to talk to me to get his way. He was...manipulative. And to manipulate your mate was a terrible thing. I shifted to look out the window. I could see my home--or the woods that used to be home at least. The home that he and his horrible men were overtaking, destroying, tainting with murder and cruelty...and my pup was there, lost in the midst of it. Next thing I knew fat tears were running down my cheeks. I put my head down and sobbed quietly.

"I'm not angry with you," cooed Axel, wrapping a heavy arm around my much smaller body.

It took me a moment to realize that he honestly thought my sorrow had anything to do with him. I could have laughed at that moment, really, if I wasn't so damn heartbroken. Instead of calling him out like I wanted too--just to watch that cocky look disappear--I just wiped away my tears and suited up my tough exterior. I had to be strong if I ever wanted to find an out here. I'd have to be very believable to gain this guarded, narcissistic wolf's trust. "Don't we have a meeting..." the concept of touching this stupid mutt was phsyically painful but I still slid onto his lap, looking up at him with the best loving face I could muster. "Honey?"

A small, triumph smile spread on his face. No doubt he thought had he had a 'win' now. I smiled right back--he knew nothing.

Love wasn't real. It was a stupid, naive concept for stupid, naive, young wolves. 

All I could say for certain was that every man I ever loved or trusted had turned around and hurt me in some way. It wasn't just romantic either. Even my brothers and father had exerted their power over me. I was sick of trying to see the good in everything. I was sick of being 'good'. My mind was on one thing and one thing only.



"He looks like my daddy."

Thomas paused as the small boy's words floated to him. He spared a look back. The pup looked increasing miserable each day of their long trek. He had no concept of the danger around them. He just missed his daddy. Denisse took his hand in hers, giving him a small reassuring squeeze. He blamed himself and his mate knew it. Denisse knew the omega was long gone by now--most likely dead, if the brutality of these men proved to be true. If not that than a part of one of those infamous whore-houses...

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