~Forty-Five {Dawson: Part 2}~

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A/N: What? Another update? Yeah! Cuz you guys rock! However, the same warnings in the last Dawson chapter apply in this one. Even more so in fact! So read at your own risk! Please comment and vote and follow me!

Peace Out, Girl Scouts


Jessie's house was the polar opposite of mine.

Two happy, caring parents, gladly doting on their, despite the fact he was an omega. There was no shame in his status, no hatred. They loved him. I wished someone loved me. "Dawson!" cooed Allison, Jessie's mother hurrying over to me. "It's been so long! How are you? How's your mother?"

The two had been friends once-upon-a-time. Despite that she never did visit. Perhaps she got the vibe she wasn't welcome. I think she used to, back when the abuse was just beginning. Dad was always cold toward her, hurrying her out if my mother wasn't conscious. "Hi," I replied feebly as Jessie skipped over to kiss his father's cheek before proudly displaying his Marks for the day. "She's...steady, I suppose. She's not exactly better but she's not worse so...that's a good thing."

I scratched the back of my head awkwardly. "Well," said Mark, Jessie's father. "Since it's Friday I'm assuming you're planning on staying the night?"

"Please Daddy?" pouted Jessie. "Dawson never comes over anymore."

"Of course," Mark laughed. "You're always welcome Dawson. It's been a while--what have you been up to? How are your Marks?"

A look shone in his eyes...suspicion. I gulped quietly. "They could be better," I admitted hoarsely.

Mark was a high-ranked wolf in the back, sometimes even working with the Alpha himself. Mark was in charge of Human-Affairs--whatever that meant. "Mark, don't grill the boy," scolded Allison. "It's hsi weekend. Let him enjoy himself, hm?"

"You're right of course," Mark said, face turning smoothly into a kind smile. "Why don't you guys find something to do until dinner, hm?"

"Mm'kay!" chirped Jessie grabbing my arm. "C'mon. We painted my room. You should see! It's so pretty--"

He tugged me up the stairs and onto the landing. Their house was bright and lively. It wasn't as dark and terrifying as mine. In a way, being here was reminding me more of home. "Dawson!"

I looked over and saw Jessie had opened the door and was in the threshold looking expectantly at me. "Sorry."

"It's okay." He grinned brightly. "Look!"

He shoved the door open and the powder blue walls caught my attention. "Wow."

The room was so bright and open. He even had a window which was open. A light evening breeze caused the white curtains to flutter. "Yeah. I like it a lot. But what about you?"

I watched Jessie scurry across the room and flop down on his big soft bed, tons of throw pillows and plush animals surrounding him like a sea of comfort.

I hated him in that moment.

Why did he get to be so happy? So carefree? Why did I have this horrible burden on me while Jessie could blissfully enjoy his easy life? "Dawson?"

"Hm?" I forced a smile, hating his guts. This was a bad idea. I didn't belong here. I was part of the real world. I wished he could feel my pain. Just once. "It's really nice, Jessie. How new is it?"

Jessie was happy to chatter about himself and his new things until dinner was called. Naturally awkward about eating in front of others due to my plumpness I picked at the delicious baked haddock on my plate. "Are you feeling alright?" Allison inquired.

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